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Something which I already started with was downloading my personal information from Facebook. This is possible for everyone. It is just one simple click and then you get all your content e-mailed to you. From all the pictures to chats you had, from events where you have been to till music you listened to. A wide variety of information in HTML form. That is why I decided that my first step should be to translate HTML information to printable content which can be designed. Shortly summarized: <b>translate web to print.</b>
Something which I already started with was downloading my personal information from Facebook. This is possible for everyone. It is just one simple click and then you get all your content e-mailed to you. From all the pictures to chats you had, from events where you have been to till music you listened to. A wide variety of information in HTML form. That is why I decided that my first step should be to translate HTML information to printable content which can be designed. Shortly summarized: <b>translate web to print.</b>
photo #1: HTML files -- photo #2: Photo folders -- photo #3: HTML index
<gallery mode="nolines">
<gallery mode="nolines">

Revision as of 08:31, 18 January 2016

Starting Point

My starting point is a project from quarter nine: Future Memories. This project, given by Jon, was about creating a medium, design or technology to mediate either visual, echoic of haptic memories. One of the realisations I got during this project was that a lot of my memories are collected on Facebook. Confronting, but true. Some of them are actually very meaningful to me. Most of the memories are captured in pictures but also places where I've been, events where I went to and messages that I received are examples that I would like to keep with me. Would it be possible to take the content of Facebook offline and translate it to a more memorable way. This is what formed my research question:

In what way is it possible to take valuable content offline from Facebook, and translate it into a long lasting memorable way?

Design Research #1

I started of with looking at the 'printing out facebook' market. There must be people who already have done it before me. And indeed. There were several companies who also saw the trend coming and reacted on it. Blurb for example, one of the better known 'making book sites', gives the option to load all your Facebook pictures into a book, including the reactions that friends placed underneath the picture. Blurb made this also possible for other social media like Flickr and Blogger. EgoBook is another example, which is created from your status updates, posted and tagged photos, wall posts, links & comments as well as content from friends you select. It is a very personalized book and a clear layout with the recognizable Facebook style. And of course, a lot of online companies but also stores like HEMA are giving the option to print out the pictures you placed on social media like Facebook or Instagram. But only the pictures is not what I am looking for. I find the challenge in designing a way where the online life comes offline in it's complete way: including time - date - location - who - what - why. More in the direction of an old-school journal, but the with the speed of collecting like the online social media.

An example of who comes closer to the idea that I have in my head is YearlyLeaf. They call themselves an experiment in social permanence. They translate your Facebook updates, posts and check-ins into a timeless book: a black notebook like Moleskine. The one that is famous for being used by artists and philosophers like Oscar Wilde, Picasso, and all of us studying at the Willem de Kooning. A timeless appeal, precious and valuable. An website which I found: artifact uprising, has in my eyes the perfect example of what a photobook nowadays should look like. It would be ideal if this could be combined with the content of Facebook. A clean modern design, well organized, with all the precious content Facebook collects for us with only minimal energy from our side.

photo #1: YearlyLeaf -- photo #2: YearlyLeaf -- photo #3: Artifact Uprising -- photo #4: Book of Fame

Design Research #2

During my research looking at what other people and companies already did with 'printing out facebook', I also found a lot of useful information about our behaviour according to social media.

From a research from 4 years ago done by Yearbound.net:

Facebook has 750 million users
350 million people login everyday
Each person averages 90 pieces of content per month
30 billion pieces of content are uploaded each month
Each person averages 55 minutes per day on Facebook
An average user writes 25 comments each month
Hundreds of millions of interactions happen each day on Facebook
Most people want to capture and keep these memories


After two weeks of research it was time to pitch our idea to the class and teachers. During this pitch we had to show where we are in our research and explain the urgent and relevancy of our project. The research I presented during the pitch is what you can read on this wiki at 'Research #1' and 'Reseach #2'. The relevancy summarized sounds like this:

It is urgent because in my surrounding that people share a lot of things on Facebook, they attend to events, get tagged in photos and like things that they are interested by. An easy and fast way of making a collection of memories. At the same time, I hear people say that they maybe want to quit their Facebook life because of the overload of information of the lives of others which is tiring. Eventually they won't quit because of the memories that will get lost by then. By taking your Facebook life offline and collect & capture it into a real book your memories will be everlasting and it will feel more valuable because it is really touchable.

Ideas and questions I asked myself during the pitch:
Curious about the security rules of Facebook and how much is able to take offline.
Printer which can print your Facebook timeline.
Print program which can 'read' your Facebook page and translate the information into a designed format.
Everything included? Of possible what content will be printed?

Something which I already started with was downloading my personal information from Facebook. This is possible for everyone. It is just one simple click and then you get all your content e-mailed to you. From all the pictures to chats you had, from events where you have been to till music you listened to. A wide variety of information in HTML form. That is why I decided that my first step should be to translate HTML information to printable content which can be designed. Shortly summarized: translate web to print.

photo #1: HTML files -- photo #2: Photo folders -- photo #3: HTML index

Final Design