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These are thoughts on printing and drawing, my statement and my artefact. Hope it's clear enough.

artefact: expressve printing? printing by touching? printing a song? printing a sound?

I really like my experiments with the magnetic ink so far. I think it can lead to something nice where I can keep the coincidence-factor of the ink in water but also control the process a little bit more so it will have an outcome that's a little more controlled and not abstract. I only need to find a way to connect sound to this project, because making music is an important way to express myself and I love doing sound-image combinations.The only link to music I have now is that water can me moved by sound vibrations.

inspiration: -links dont work-

first thoughts on my statement: I want to move people. - like music, contribute to an atmosphere in a way less concrete than words. my work isn't always clear or doesn't tell a concrete story but -at least that's what I hope for- it does evoke emotion. - I love making someting 'lifelike', making something expressive out of an unexpressive material. - Revealing unconscious feelings, thoughts. The meaning of a work reveals itself after the making is already done. - Catching coincidence: using the surprising futures of certain materials

(schrijf aantekeningen uit mijn schetsboek op)

Making something that is expressive. I find it the greatest feeling when my work starts leading a sort of life of its own: 'it' surprises me. It becomes it's own 'creatues', it's not mine anymore. When it moves me. such as my work 'the box': vimeo .com/157018329. A normal tube of fabric suddenly becomes -by putting a fohn under it- a very expressive character with whom I could communicate by tickling him, stroking him, hitting him. This is actually a work about who I am as a maker.

I MAKE TO BE MOVED. I want my work to move me (and others). To stir peoples emotions, to thrill people. This is where the start of a songtext came into my head.

move me baby / big eyes small mouth / move me baby / move me now move me baby / out of head out of here / move me baby / without fear Little darling / I can kill you / Little darling / I can kiss you / But I could never really control you

I love listening music and making music to express myself. I wish to make an artefact connected to music, expression and letting coincidence in/taking risks. My statement should be a song. In this song I talk to my work as a person, as a lover. I want my work to move me. I want my lover to move me. A lot of my work is about sex. I got a fascination for bodies in strange, twisted positions. The possibility of the words 'move me' to be associated with emotional movement as well as -neatly put- physical movement, suits me.

For now my plan is to 1. write the song and then elaborate it in my statement. 2. experiment more with the magnetic ink (3. kill my ink-darling and make an artefact I can actually move by my song? Cause I probably won't be able to combine the magnetic ink and 'movement by sound'..)