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Revision as of 08:28, 20 April 2017

Example exercise: Electron exchange

Act out the exchange of electrons:

- all, stand in a line - form pairs of two - determine who is the proton and who is the (valence electron)) - orbit! - i push one valence electron in the beginning of the line out of its orbit, becoming a free electron - free electron bounces agains nearby valence electron, replacing its position, become a valence electron again while setting free the previously valence electron - and it goes on....

Chaos scenario: set free multiple electrons in system: what happens? the free ones WANT to go to the positive protons! especially when their orbit is 'empty' or they have an excess in (negatively charged electrons)

Group exercise: You are the Electrons

In the groups you formed during the last class:

- Read https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-electricity (20mins) - Sketch out a choreography act out concepts 20 mins - Somehow make clear your different roles, who is the electron, who is a proton, etc (tshirts? signs? hats?) - With your group physically act out one (or more) concept introduced on the page, using your bodies (30mins) - document your choreography on your individual wiki pages!

things to act out, for example:

- Conductor vs Isolator - Static Discharge - Current electricity - Resistors - Simple circuit (Illuminating a Light Bulb)