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== Analogue Science-Fiction ==

The tale about our relationship with technology that you can see, hear and feel. Made by hands and human brain, disrupted and amplified through machinery and information. The goal for me is to celebrate obsoletion within old machinery and information flow, to find an poetic context that fits my organic gut. An steam- cyberpunk hybrid for the post-internet generation.

The mediums I'm using at the moment are sound and collageworks. During the black box assigntment I managed to transform a cassette-recorder into a tapeloop machine, I want to use it to make pieces of music that resonate with the idea of fragmentation. We live in a time of fragmentation in my opinion, there is so much information and stimulation nowadays that can lead towards a selective way of looking and experiencing the life that surrounds us. The ideal set-up for this concept would be to have an installation that revolves around tapeloops that are looping through structures that resemble humanoid figures, entangled in their own personal fragments. Like the tale of Gulliver, but standing straight, walking the new world. Or maybe even sitting behind screens with my collage works projected on them, crumbling and defragmentating before their eyes.

IMG 3600(1).gif

Presentation of the Black Box assignment on the 19th of October, I installed these fragments at the bottom in the staircase in wijnhaven. The sound was looping for a few hours before I took it down. Along with the tapeloop there is a pack of cigarettes from the dark web, a "do not enter" sign that I stole somewhere (my punk self is not leaving anytime soon), an empty spray can (to give reference to the work that I am hanging outside), a bottle of cough syrup (ask me about my slimy ambient music) and empty weed bags with other tapeloops in them. I chose these objects because I see myself as the machine that I was taking apart, and these are all my individual parts that hold me together.

Before I leave.jpg Lonerism.jpg

Living close to Zuidplein, i see these statues a lot and they give me a very retro 80's vibe. The fact that there are a lot of traffic lights, cars and people crossing all the time also helps. I tried to capture the rush of the place in manipulating the photos that I took and in that way I found a visual language that looks like glitch-art but done by hand. I cut the photos to pieces and glue them back on a surface in a new composition that tells a new story about disruption and fragmentation.

Before I leave 2.jpg IMG 3613.jpg

I didn't want to keep the stories to myself so I decided to hang the tiles outside, close to the statues themself. In this way there can be an audience, if they manage to spot them. It's like there is a small glitch inside the real world, maybe enough to get people a little bit out of their daily routine.

Sunset Simulator Deluxe.png Sunset Simulator Deluxe 2.png

One time I was relaxing at Kralingen park with some friends when a person approached me and start preaching about the sun being a simulation. In my opinion its a ridiculous theory but the guy was so convinced and it kinda touched me. I can still see his big eyes while he was pointing towards the sky. So I decided to collect pictures of sunsets and make collages out of it. That turned into multiple works that are placed in different areas now. The one that felt the most fulfilling hangs in Scheveningen beach, at the place where most people go to watch the last hours of sun. I hope it stays there for a long time and maybe with some luck the sun itself will fade the image away naturally.

Inspiration comes from movies like Blade Runner (cyber punk valhalla), Stalker/Solaris, (Russian departures into the unknown), The Matrix (in a time where there were only two kind of pills), Brazil (dystopia through sweet analogue chaos), THX1138 (before George Lucas was filthy rich), Videodrome/ExistenZ/Ghost in the Shell/Inception/Cube/1984//#

But also writers like Philip K. Dick (why do androids dream of electric sheep/the three stigmata of palmer eldritch/A scanner Darkly), Michael Crichton(Jurassic Park/Westworld), George Orwell (1984, Coming up for Air), Neil Gaimann (Sandman), H.P. Lovecraft (Call of Cthulhu, The Shadow Out of Time) Jules Verne/Iain Banks/Stephen King//#

And most importantly the sounds from certain artists that spark the synesthesia buried in my mind and make these dystopian chromic images pop up in (day)dreams and peculiar states of consciuousness. Oneohtrix Point Never (guy is a legend already), 2814, Blank Banshee, VAPERROR, William Basinski, Brian Eno, Khonnor, The Caretaker, Worlds End Girlfriend, Radiohead, Stars of the Lid//#