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The pepper spraying cop is a meme based on a event during an occupy movement demonstration at the University of California. The UC Davis pepper-spray incident occurred on November 18, 2011. After asking the protesters to leave, University police pepper sprayed a group of students as they were seated on a paved path in the campus. The video of UC Davis police officer Lt. John Pike pepper spraying demonstrators spread around the world as a viral video and the photograph became an meme. In October 2013, a judge ruled that Lt. John Pike, the pepper sprayer, would be paid $38,000 in worker's compensation benefits, to compensate for his psychological pain and suffering. Apart from the worker's compensation award, he retained his retirement credits. After the incident, large protests against the use of pepper spray occurred on campus. UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi apologized to the students, saying that the police had acted against her orders for there to be no arrests and no use of force. A public debate about the militarization of the police and the appropriate use of pepper spray on peaceful protesters took place in the media, with questions raised about the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.


After reseaching our meme, we got together in groups with other memes in the same category. We discussed and found out that we could put all our memes under the topic: "Abuse of power". If we look at what happens in the world right now, there is one big, and important issue that can be connected to abuse of power, the refugee crisis. The situation for the refugees is a problem that we can not overlook, we wanted to make a project about this because it is affecting so many people and everyone has something to say about it. It is also one of the really big crisis of our time, and therefore a very relevant topic. But it is important not look at this as a superficial matter, it is after all concerning millions of human destinies.


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