The Value of Experimentation

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Revision as of 11:45, 19 January 2017 by JudithvanderHeiden (talk | contribs)
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I had a great experience working in the minor Digital Craft. The setup of small projects that were executed in a short time frame changed my
working methods and overall creative process. There was a focus on experimentation that pushed me in different directions and encouraged me
to explore the subjects in a more physical way rather then a theoretical research approach.

The theme we were given was Radiation dived in four sub themes, Acoustic radiation, Radio radiation, Light radiation and Patterns and Algorithms. The scientific nature of these themes corresponded with the experimental focus that was presented as in science experimentation has a great value and leads to progression.

I approach these project in the same scientific manner and . In the project light radiation I experimented. There is a big difference in reading about something then it is to experience the process and result of an experimentation. It contains a different insight. When you read how a texture feels like it is a whole different experience then to feel the fabric itself.

1.1 Acoustic Radiation

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   Experm1.jpg        Experm5.jpg


The theme we were given was Radiation dived in four sub themes, Acoustic radiation, Radio radiation, Light radiation and Patterns and Algorithms. The scientific nature of these themes corresponded with the experimental focus that was presented as in science experimentation has a great value and leads to progression.

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