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Gherardo Starnina - Twee op de grond zittende, musicerende engelen

2557-(ok) large.jpg

Information The painting originally is part of an altar piece, a multi panel. Because the left angle is looking at something. This would be Maria. This was made by Gherardo Starnina in Florence round 1400. And is exhibited in the Boijmans van Beuningen.

Copy The copy will become a digital version of this painting. Made in Illustrator in a certain drawing stye.

A139645a89ed0d53828f7249eb258bb0.jpg B3e15545b4f8c842d215c37ec57a3a8b.jpg

Transformation Interesting parts of the paining are: the fabric details and the expression of all the different fabrics, the colors & gradients and the activities of the angles. The angles are making music and this element will come back in the end result. Transform the angles into textile objects/sculptures with a specific shape. Characteristics are texture, textile, color, shape and sound. Experiment with fabric manipulations. With the use of sensors the textile will move and play a sound when someone touches it in a certain way. One will represent the whistle and the other the harp. The objects will move on the rhythm of the sounds.


