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Two seated angles making music
This painting was made by Gherardo Starnina between 1400 and 1410.
Starnina was a Florentine painter influenced by the International Style in Spain.
His paintings therefor got under the attention, because they were more detailed then other Florentine painters.
At that time Starnina was unknown, and his paintings where signed by: Maestro del Bambino Vispo.
The painting exists out of one angle looking up to 'something'.
This gesture revealed that this painting was part of a bigger altar piece.


I choose this painting because I was attracted by the vibrant use of colors.
When I looked closer I noticed all the fine details and all the different textures that are painted.
Different textiles and other materials are being presented in the painting.
I though it would be a challenge to make something else out of a flat painting.
What also occurred to me was that the painting is only there to see, not to touch.
Although it shows so many different materials with interesting structures, still if you touched the painting, you would not be able to touch the structures.
This is something I want to keep in mind while designing the 'Copy' and' Transformation'.
I want to invite the user to touch the painting, instead of just looking.