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Contrafactual Past
Lady peeling green tomato on the Giorno di Risposo
Zittend naakt met appel.

An italian woman preparing dinner on a hot day.

The day the god Fortuna, god of fortune, fate and fertility leaves and makes place for Anteros, god of love and passion, women prepared a festive meal to celebrate the occasion. This day is often referred to as “giorno di riposo”, Literally translated to “Day of rest”. Where usually the locals of Acri (south of Italy) wore fabulous clothing to praise the gods, Anteros was praised by a day of openness and freedom. Since this day was not pinned by a specific date but determined by the harvest of tomatoes it was commonly associated by the refreshing of the soil. To prevent staining the soil with “unnatural” clothing, women and children were not allowed to wear clothes on the fields.

The end of the harvest was celebrated by a grand meal. Pasto Prandi (Meal of rest) was a dish where green tomatoes were peeled and boiled with spices, and wine.

This statue is a snapshot of a woman peeling tomatoes in preparation of pasto prandi.