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1. Critical Making exercise

We have choosen 3 random card and we came up with a "dating app for trees"


Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offspring, while others hijack it to sabotage their rivals. This system connects all trees via a fungi system embedded in all the roots of the trees. Because we felt sorry for all indoor trees who are cut of of this web, we wanted tot find a way how 2 or more indoor plants would be able to wirelessly connect with eachother and share information.


2. Cybernetic Prosthetics


A new way to relate nature with machines and reduce waste

Render 2 cafetera3.png

When we were first looking for a concept to reduce waste, we thought of details we could improve or change in our daily routine. And, for us, coffee is part of this daily routine. So, we wanted to design something involving coffee but, how could it be related to nature?

At this point, Gunter Pauli also mentions the example related to coffee that we are going to use in order to design our concept.

  • What can we do with the rest? We discovered that with wasted coffee we can grow mushrooms.
  • And then feed the leftovers to animals
  • Animals make manure and bacteria make biogas
  • At the end we get jobs, energy and food

We did some research to find out how funghi is produced from coffee?

  • Break it up and spread it out throughout the coffee.
  • Put the mixture into your cultivation bag and close it up tight, ensuring you have cut air holes
  • Place your bag in a warm and dark place. During the next three weeks,water this area twice daily with water, you will see the micelios come to life and grow across the coffee grounds - turning the whole mixture white so it has fully colonized the mixture.
  • Place it in a spot with plenty of fresh air and a little light
  • After a week or so, you will start to see tiny little mushrooms bursting into life

The coffee machine has a department in the lower part where coffee residue is stored where the mycelia grow thanks to an automatic irrigation system incorporated in the coffee machine. Unnamed.jpg

PROJECT 4: Cartography of Complex Systems & the Anthropocene
