User:L. van de beek

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Lieve van de Beek

Images from intro-week



Fantastic forgeries

20140906 112410.jpg Grotesque2.jpg

Anonymous , Grotesque , 1850-1900, Bronze patina over lacquer

Getting to know him

When I was walking around in the museum I saw this little guy and felt or him. He is small but the way he looks he has a big personality but still he looks to me like a scared and alone creature. He is weird and not a known animal. He has legs of a bird a body that looks like a snail shell and head that can be a dog,dragon or frog like creature. I saw him in the intro week and didn't really looked at the information about him so a few days later I went to see him again at the Boijmans. Then i saw that on the information bord of his display there was only info about 3 items and in the display where 4 objects. So I went to the information desk and they didn't know what he was he also was not on there only archive. But a bit old sercuriy guard that had worked long at the Boijmans helped me and he was almost certain that he was the Grotesque by Anonymous from 1850-1900. This was still not real information for me because what can I find about anonymous?

This was a start of some fun and interesting research moment!

/ notes