User:Arif Abdillah

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Arif Abdillah (0645664468)

-“ The moment I knew what I wanted to "

Unfortunately I haven't got that moment

But looking at Ivan Cash works, I don't think I would hate it. and that makes it okay.

and I am willing to drastically change and re-invent my self if it's necessary.

"I have to change to stay the same"


-What do you make? (Tell us in one image and three sentences about creative background)

Short film, vIrtual Reality and Augmented Reality, stand up story telling. Pegida.png


-What is your topic of interest? Explain a past/current topic or what you wish to explore)

Storytelling that sit in between social, commercial and story.

I believe that all of those three are not exclusive.

-What is your medium? (Explain what materials and tools you wish to use)

I am medium agnostic. I believe content and message is what matters. and the choice of media follows the concept.



The first time I saw SImon show the Nixie Bulb I ws directly mesmerised. I directly wanted to make one for my Digital Craft assignment. and looking back at it now, I would say"What was I thinking?!". I didn't know the Intricacies of Building Nixie bulb and Nixie clock. Not to mention I was thinking to make A memento Nixie.

So what is Memento Nixie. The simple Idea is that a clock that shows the viewers remaining life in different units such as year, month, days,hours, minute, second.

Making an assumption that the viewer's life will be around 100 years, the viewer's would input their age with potentiometer, and then The Nixie will decrese 100 with that agae. Consequently memento Nixie will show the age ticking down. The viewer then can choose whether they would see the year, the month, or even seconds.

The first concept of the Memento Nixie will show number in 12 bulbs. But, looking at the intricacies, I decided to show 6 bulbs with this calculation.

If hypothetically the remaining age of the viewer is 90 years, it will show Year: 90 Month: 1080 day: 32400 hours: 777600 minutes: 46656000 seconds: 271993|00000 (Showed in two rows)


Research Nixie a) Nixie bulbs b) what nixie needs c) How to read Schematics d) what is Transistor (How it works) e) What is capasitor

Research Micro controler Up and runig with Arduino a)Part of Arduino b)PWM c)what is IDE d) Experiment with IDE (Blinking) e) Experiment with IDE (Fading with Potentiometer)

Memeto Nixie Ingradient

SImon helped me with making the schematic

This is the schematic

In the meantime I bought the ingredients already, Unfortunately couple of ingradients such as The Nixie, just arrive Tuesday. However, in the meantime, I build anything I could with Schematic from Simon with the aim of controling 3 different LED on breadboard to switch with Potentiometer.

The ingredient that is bought and waiting for the delivery are a) 7805 voltage regulator b) Atmega 328P c) RTC d) Socket Installed IN12b Tube (With IN 12 Nixie attached) 1328-ST: 6 pieces e) Board only for IN12 Nixie 1328-SX : 1 piece 3. HVPS-V I am not sure which one is better (easier to build) for volumetric circuit. I would follow your advice to choose between Horizontal/vertical. either way: 2 pieces 4.Nixie IN17(for my next project :)) :2pieces

I alos borrow the Arduino Uno from the school

And on monday, I will do a) To make sure that what I learned and try to fit with the schematic is right b) Try to make it with Nixie intact c) try to turn on the Nixie d) Try to find out the IDE and the coding e) try to make the clock in Volumetric

Cross my fingers!