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For this week I wanted to make several drawing machines which all draw a circle. I want to experiment with the speed of drawing. I want to test how fast the machine can spin and still draw a circle.

The first object I made was a clock. I added a pencil on the mechanism. Every minute the tool draws a new circle. Actually the pencil was to heavy for the mechanism, so I didn't get a perfect circle. I really like the uncontrolled dots of the ink.


The next object I made was from a toy with a small motor in it. I attached a pencil on a wire an turned it on. When the pencil is making circles it vibrates a bit so you get a very nice pattern in the circle.


I decided to use a tool that's a bit stronger and spins a lot faster then then the previous object. So I used a drill, I just added a pencil and tried to draw a circle. As you can see I was still able to draw a circle, in the line you can see other small circles from the spinning of the drill. I really liked that effect