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I make because I love I make because I want to create I make because I get excited I make to challenge myself I make to evolve I make to control I make because I learn I make to communicate I make to experiment I make to show my fantasies I make to show my fascinations I make to explore the unexpected

When I make I get the best feeling I can get. I feel a need to make, it is something naturally I have in my brain. The way that I've got a sort of sense for shapes, colors and materials. I don't know exactly what sort of sense it is. I think other makers know what I'm talking about. The heart for creating it's just there and when I'm making that heart is getting encouraged. I feel so pleased when I'm thinking about something and my hands create my thoughts. It is a way to express myself, to show my emotions. Sometimes it is a way to get my head clear. When I made an object or product, I get so satisfied with all the work I've done and that it is really something now. It feels even more satisfying when other people react on my project. That someone gets questions or thoughts about my work. When that happens I feel connected.

I make because I want to challenge myself. I want to learn new things and every new skill I can learn I will do. Because I challenge myself I learn every day, I know more about techniques, skills, experiments and about myself. I know that I will never feel bored and that I will never stop learning. I want to develop and that's also my goal to evolve my brain my skills and me as a person as much as I can.

I make because I have so many fantasies, I see figures in clouds, in stains, in scrawls. I know a lot of creative brains and especially kids have this gift. I found out that this is a psychic phenomenon called: ‘'pareidolia The reason for this phenomenon is probably that the brains need to make connections between different elements, even if they actually don't exist. When I experiment with materials this pareidolia thing in my brain gets really stimulated. I get so excited when I just do something and I turns out in something I've never thought about.

The uncontrolled is a fascination, especially trying to find out how you can control the uncontrolled. To understand why a drop of ink is not the same on each piece of paper or fabric. Why does is go like this? How can I change it? Can I control it? Can I add other liquids to make a different effect? Maybe there is another way to not just drop the ink on the paper. The way things go always inspired me, the way colors fade out the way colors mix. How dominoes fall down, The way how water is moving.