Sandbox Sandbox
Activities ideas MA
- Install party: running Raspbian on the Pi.
- operating system basics: administration and UNIX history
- C oneliners: C and shell programming basics with pipes
- wireless deaddrops and access points: setting up a standalone wireless network to share files outside of the Internet.
- camera/sensors machines: turning the Pi into a surveillance machine
- spiders/crawlers: turning a network of Pis into a data harvesting fest
- web literacy: HTML5, CSS3, js + webmaker tools
- basic client/server service development: Python, node.js and others.
- Pd patch player: a more elaborate network and web application using golang and libpd
- Tor public access point: onionland and co
- MITM and public wifi access points: run your own PRISM! :)
- Audio synth in Python with pyo
- Audio synth in the browser with flockingjs
- NES ROM hacking
Activities ideas MA
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