User:Jeanine Verloop/minor q14

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quarter 14

What makes the human tick

I am someone who watches the people around me closely. Every human has this one defining characteristic that makes them who they are. But humans, in general, are more complex. I started thinking about several things I find fascinating about us humans.

The experience of pain. Somehow we are drawn to pain, pain as some sort rite of passage? Humans are the only species to hurt themselves out of tree will.

Human frailty, mental disorders.There is some raw truth in a mental collapse. I have a great fascination for the infinity of alternative scenarios the mind can come up with for the accepted reality.

The ability to lie. The ability to imagine what it is to be someone else.

The ability to imagine the future, the sense of tommorrow.

The greed for importance. The 7 deadly sins as a way to describe human behavior.

The ability to lie

My friend helped me to narrow it down by asking what the latest lie was that I told. Wich was that I was getting somewhere with thinking about what to do in quarter 14. As defined by Sartre, "mauvaise foi" "bad faith" is lying to oneself. Specifically, it is failing to acknowledge one's own ability to act and determine one's possibilities, falling back on the determinations of the various historical and current totalization which have produced one as if they relieved one of one's freedom to do so.