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Research - Stealing from the museum (Work In Progress)

My method to steal and copy from the museum requires patience and perfection. The work I chose is called Musicerende Engel and was created by Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen in 1545. It is a relatively small print and was made possible through a combination of etching and engraving. Below I will invent a step by step tutorial on how to copy a piece like this. 1. Measure the work of art and note down these measurements 2. Take a flat photo with a suitable camera 3. Accurately print the photo with the correct measurements 4. Research the paper and tools used to print the work 5. Acquire a light box and put the photo in it 6. Carefully trace to copy the style of the work on your selected paper This method provides a simple and low budget do-it-yourself strategy to copy printed sketches like these even though it may not be completely accurate. It is designed for people who do not have access to etching or engraving tools or lack the knowledge to do so.