Presentation schedule

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Please fill in your names at the proper locations with a (working) title of your projects, and we will make a time schedule.

Tuesday 11 December

Graphic Design BL.-1.19

Tim van Hooft — "LUMA" (presented in the projection room Interaction station)

Guido Nijhof — "nachtmerries in een box"

Jorijn de Jonge — "Comatic"

Jelle van Bouwhorst — "The evolution of PUR"

Joep Hurkmans — “ Beautiful mistake ”

Monika Sumauskaite, Vilius Vaura – "HUGLUX"

Fine Arts BL.-2.1 (exhibition space PUB Station)

- Goretti Pombo, "Celebration of the Absurd" - Sophie Mastenbroek, ik heb nog geen titel

-Olivia Evans (Sleeping Box)

Audiovisual Location: BL.1.18

Product Design: BL.3.1

Advertising BL.3.6

Floor Opheij, "Visual Dance" (major presentation from 12.00 till 13.30)

Illustration BL.3.i (inbreiding 3)

Wednesday 12 December

Guided Tour for your peers

Thursday 13 December

Animation BL.1.i (inbreiding 1)

Lifestyle BL.3.9

Fine Arts BL.-2.1 (exhibition space PUB Station)

- Mike van Moolenbroek - Image and Sound Processing Station / Age of Fragmentation

Photography Wh.02.101

-Daniela Delgado (The Digital Canvas) - Sophie Jilesen (Sleeping Box) - Anne Ram (Sleeping Box)

Teacher Training Wh.02.316

- Rens van der Heijden (Play)

- Charlotte Birza (...)

- Charlotte de Waal (Anarchy Ally)

- Michelle Kootkar (...)

- Jamie Deen ( The Camscanner ) Wh.02.142 (project room)

- Bart Kodde (Fast Fashion Fun)

Spatial Design Wh.02.320

- Marta Zorita (...)

- Maria Ruiz (...)

Fashion Wh.04.115