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STEP 1 - LAUNCH - Introduction to the course and getting to know different kinds -and uses- of the 'XY-plotter machines'. Followed by a more ‘in-depth’ look on the plotter.

STEP 2 - PREPPING - Forming groups and making plans to create our very own ‘XY-plotter machine’ using templates for 3D printing, getting/costumizing screw rods and bolts in the metal station. Eventually assembling the final machine and making sure it operates correctly.

STEP 3 - CONCLUDING - "Personalizing" the use of the machine. The final step was to form teams and brainstorm on possible functions the machine could have or tasks that it should be able to perform.

For the final and initial assignmet of the course I teamed up with Cas Beijers. While getting introduced to the plotter machine we were already thinking about some ways of making the machine a more performative tool instead of functional. We were out to make the machine as 'usefully useless' as possible. After letting our minds wander and come up with the craziest ideas, we settled on a simpler and more basic yet professional looking use for the 'XY-plotter machine'. We wanted the machine to have the look that it could be really usefull, while in practice it wouldn't be usefull at all.

Our initial idea was to place a huge, sharp and clumsy knife (almost bigger than the machine itself) on the end of the machine.