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Esra - For the Present - Martin Margiela, 1989 Martin Margiela was a very anonymous person. He did not appear on interviews and did not show himself to the outside world. His models would often have masks on their faces as well. He was a man focusing solely on his products. I like his necklace made out of broken porcelain. This piece has inspired me to make an art piece as well and in it I want to recreate the wires he used. I like the way that the porcelain are put together with the wires and how they form a new composition that is very different of what they used to be. The porcelain pieces are forced to become a new form, to adjust to the new environment. This piece also made me think about memories. It was as if the person who wears the necklace was keen on having his precious porcelain with him at all times. It was a sacred memory he wanted to keep close to him. For me memories also come from sea shells. Vacation is a time that is remembered with a lot of warmt and positivity by many people. Vacation on a beach has a very symbolic object as well: the sea shells. As a kid I would always love to collect the most beautiful sea shells to take home with me. I want to create a piece with these sea shells and wires. By using existing objects like Margiela an putting them in a new environment/form, I want to create a new piece. The nicely intertwined wires will form around the ball of sea shells. In this ball of shells lies the memory but it is not visible to anyone, what is inside this ball is a mystery (just like Margiela who is a mystery). Around the shells the wires will form a barrier between the viewer and the shells. Nobody will be able to reach the shells, it is something private and mysterious. It is a memory and for everybody has a different meaning. If only you could listen to the shells from up close, they might then provide the sound of the sea…