User:Harry Senf

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This course I wanted to create in a different way than I normally do. The major that I follow is advertising. That empazises and focusess on concepts. So that what I normally do, that's why I applyed for advertising. But I've come to the conclusion that you can limit yourself in your thinkingproces, when you can't just randomlly create something. Next to that, when I look at my work, I mis a curtain form of art direction. I can't easily make something visually appealing. What I realised, is that when I try a different making proces, it can be visually appealing.

SOOOO! What was my plan for this quarter... I'm gonna make stuff. Period. Without too much of a thought behind it. In the hope that something can come out of that. Mabye an interesting concept, of an appealing visual.

I stared thinking about stamps, and the fact that my bycicle weels are in a way stamps. I made some examples of using my wheel as a stamp and got tired of it very quickly. I didn't thought is was nice. What is did found interesting was de combination between the ink and the paper, which told different story's.

Using the wheel as an icon I tried to mimmick that idea. A made a stamp of the icon of the wheel and printed that on top of somthing totally different. Facebook profile pictures. When I was done I thought it could be a flipbook. But when I tried to make that, you couldn't really see it.


I thought that this idea of an animation could be very nice. And without thinking to long about it I went to the thiftshop and bought some books.

Schermafbeelding 2017-03-29 om 23.01.00.png

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