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Jessica Szu-Chun Chen Jessica.JPG

Circuit making labs: We had several classes on circuit making and especially soldering. In first class of circuit making, we learned about the bread board and how it can be used to transfer energy from one point to another using resistors.
( picture of breadboard) Soldering is a main technique we need to learn in order to make circuits in class. Dennis presented an example of a circuit which produces sound as you touch the board.
( present picture) During the session, making the circuit and we needed a lot of assistance from our friend niko and the tutor Dennis. Soldering was really difficult when connecting one point to another and the amount of solder needed is in a very controlled amount. It took us about 5 hours to make the circuit however, the results were decent but the it would make a muffled and static noise in the background of the sounds we made.

Final Project
We had a group meeting about this digital craft project. Our initial idea was a drawing machine, however it lacked a conceptual base so we decided to brainstorm about other ideas. As we discussed we reach a consensus to discuss about the data we accept and utilize / and incorporate in our lives. This lead to the topic of cookies, which are conspicuously seen on the web and in many social media platforms and online shopping websites. They appear on cyberspace on our screens and most of the time we “accept “ the cookies to avoid seeing it again. With that action being done, we see many items that we have search in websites we accepted cookies from appear on our Facebook news feed every time. In our discussion, we talked about how in the modern world we have a sense of free will encrypted in our minds and we usually consider our free will taken and influenced by external sources. However that Is not the case, and that the way we respond to our will is from ourselves. Although we conclude that was free will is usually removed by other people, the other people that succesfull remove our free will is ourselves.
Therefore, we developed an experiment on the same day and conducted it on DAY 2 . We want to conduct this experiment to visualize “free will “. We also had some questions for the project development.

How are behaviours manipulated and influences and how does this cause a chain reaction ?

What are the cause and the effects of our actions?
How can we explore this project digitally?