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Down below are the chapters from the book 'Making is Connecting'.


I wanted to work with substances that can be used as paint, yet are also out of my control. I want to experiment how they behave and learn how I can control them. blabla intro text.



Print with Foods. Uncontrollable substances. Grow fungi make it in a design. generative design. fruit flies, glue that smells like fruits. Fool fruit flies.



Historical Example

Comparative Example

New Skill

Growing the Mold. This alone is a craft on itself. Blabalabala

Collective Example & Pushing Limits

For the collaborative work we went to Indianen studio in Antwerpen. Under the super vision of Tim Knapen we got to work with his printing machine. We tried to push it to its limits by working together with different materials and inks. At first we drew out SVG files with a normal fineliner or marker. In the end Manouk made a design out of dots. We wanted to make a dotted picture with a brush pen. To get the ink through this brush without having to refill the tip we put the cord of an IV on it. At the end was a syringe to create pressure. Koen was the one that was the one that put too much pressure. Because of the extra pressure 'blobs' appeared on the paper. At first we had blue indian ink and later we continued with black acrylic mixed with water. Together we created something that even Tim was surprised and enthusiastic about!

Printing together . Blobs.jpg


IMG 0571 klein.jpg



The main reason I chose to work with uncontrollable substances was because I wanted to push myself in being more flexible and less rigid. Digital Craft is a practice where you can explore and experiment to your heart’s content. I tried to use this experimenting to open my mind. Not to work with the common materials to print with. I started with silkscreening food to wanting to let mold and fungi help my design process. The research into growing molds and fungi interested me a great deal. Even looking at photography of something that is labeled as ‘disgusting’ is actually quite beautiful. I make because I want to have an adventure in new techniques and materials and I am not done exploring yet.