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0921248@hr.nl Ghost-in-the-Shell.jpg

Testing volt

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Group Work: Free will in DATA

15th. June

Conversation about DATA

We found out three of us did projects about data: Ayo - refuges, Syria to Denmark Daisy – how to meet people Tutu – Postal service Jess – didn’t

We discussed about cookies pop up on websites we browse and how much data we gave away. And how much data we receive such as the advertisement shows Facebook. We determined in the modern world we have sense of free will, however we respond to our free will is down to the individual. We concluded that we think we own free will, yet it has been removed. And only the people successfully take away our free will is ourselves. We decided to conduct an experiment, in order to visualise free will. By considering how behaviours are influenced and how this cause a chain reaction. We aimed at thinking about cause and effect of the behaviour and exploring digitally.

We want to conduct an experiment in order to visualise freee will - how are behaviours are manipulated and influenced and how this cause a chain reaction - we are thinking about cause and effect - and we intend to explore this digitally

16th. June

Collecting Data

We wanted to look at the ways of collecting data as well as to pursue how active our free will is. If we can take it away or even minimise it.

We are doing a small scale experiment by using 3 questions with basic I will or I wont answers, we are reducing our interacts free will by making them comply to a set of rules, the questions we will ask are: 1. Choose to kill the 6 year old Adolph hitler to prevent the holocaust. 2. Choose to sacrifice the 6 year old Adolph hitler to save 6 million jews. 3. Choose to sacrifice the 6 years old Adolph hitler for his possible behaviour in the future.

19th. June


We hung our posters around the art school, in second floor blaak and in Wijnhaven. And 69 people took part. The experiment demonstrated people willing to use their free will but they are also not considering the consequences. Our interaction were not provided with any information on the questions they were being asked nor did they questions why there were being asked. Using the posters we can identify and highlight that we have free will but we can restrict it, each individual decides how much of their free will they want to give away however they make an unconscious decision in the act of giving away their free will.

We Recognised: We have free will; We use and abuse our free will; We don’t consider all of our unconscious actions; Everyday we make a series of steps that we don’t recognise as part of our everyday life We behave with free will but we are entangled with multiple different systems both digital and physical and that influence and manipulate our behaviour

The majority of our actions our unconscious and this is also explored in our online behaviour The amount of data that we give away and receive is dangerous. If we were aware of it, how would we respond? Would be happy? Nervous? Uncomfortable?

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