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Latest revision as of 22:16, 19 December 2016


unravel the code

http://www.dunneandraby.co.uk/content/projects http://signaltonoise1.blogspot.nl/ http://www.everydaylistening.com/

Hertzian Tales

“We are interested in using design as a medium, to ask questions and provoke and stimulate people, designers and industry,…
We are exploring things that exist somewhere between reality and fiction.”
- Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby

Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, Virtual pet taken to the realm of cell phone messaging.
This virtual crow can always find it’s way “home” and offer images and information on what it’s seen on
it’s journey back. An interesting concept that explores how the trek that digital information.

Signals as sounds

Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 10.30.08.png

Try to catch signals of the dongel ,
I didn't find some interesting signals but i find a way to translate some signals in space.
It's related to the sniffer how translate the signals out of the spaces and magnetism.

But i try it with processing and a oscilloscope to combine this in a interaction design.

this pictures are a way to visualisate the sound signals.
only thing is that it not interact with the user. It's don't give a trigger to interact with it.


Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 02.19.43.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 01.16.41.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 01.48.46.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 01.42.50.png Code1.png Code2.png Code3.png

So i try to make with processing a other way to visulsate the way of sound signals, with the oscilloscope.

The main purpose of an oscilloscope is to graph an electrical signal as it varies over time.
Most scopes produce a two-dimensional graph with time on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis.
I translate one frequency in al frequencies at the x-axis, and also at the y-axis.
It responds on every signal of sound and interact with it. It's is a playfull thing to do.
its a way to try to have control on this non control signals and make a playfull and interact of the sound signals around you.

oscilloscope display. A signal (the yellow sine wave in this case) is graphed on a horizontal time axis and a vertical voltage axis


Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 12.16.32.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 11.54.22.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 12.41.59.png Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 15.07.05.png

Research about Signals as sounds

sound sculptures of Peter Vogel

The components and circuits, normally hidden away in boxes, are displayed in various forms in his art works, exposing their vulnerability to the audience. The sounds coming from the speakers can be influenced by moving in front of the artwork, which almost looks like a note bar from a distance. A score for the electronic music it’s generating.


Jeroen Uyttendaele & Dewi de Vree

radical interdisciplinary practices engaging with image, sound and the body

“Ground” is a performance



Imaginary Radio Research
19th (wireless telegraphy - pioneers of the medium)
1st idea, communication radio by water.

The place/context
In a museum, some one is in a room en the other is in a other room.
Make connection by people without physical communication by voice or seeing other by displays.
it's making connection in the atmosphere by water.
waves that can show emotion or a diffrent way to communication by people.

The object

Tumblr n31nljxo3Q1rlaql2o1 1280.jpg

http://www.skatar.com/ Vibration Mirror by Fredrik Skatar

Water sculpture chromed polyurethan or polished aluminium 60 x 40 cm

One minute of transmitted content


Imaginary Radio

prototype of the lampposts.

The lampposts are a way to communicate in the world, and mabye also out of space.
every lampost connect with the signal strongness of the invierment. the lamposts have colours, colours how we divne in nature as good or dangerous.

So can you see how strong and how much signals there are in your own everiment. (for now only wifi as device)

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Unravel Radio Marathon project

Harddisk love in process.

With the use of an electromagnetic-sniffer, we made it possible to receive and hear radio waves.
These radio waves give the opportunity for autonomous devices to connect, communicate and interact with each other.
By hacking a hard disk drive, we got acces to the accelerating force of the drive’s motor and were able to convert it into a spectrum of frequencies.
While these devices exchange electromagnetic waves, they would be able to build social relationships and even fall in love with each other.

Start Unravel Radio Marathon project


1 Unravel Radio.jpg
2 Unravel Radio.jpg 3 Unravel Radio.jpg 4 Unravel Radio.jpg 5 Unravel Radio.jpg 6 Unravel Radio.jpg 9 Unravel Radio.jpg 9-2 Unravel Radio.jpg 10 Unravel Radio.jpg 8 Unravel Radio.jpg 7 Unravel Radio.jpg 9-1 Unravel Radio.jpg

11 Unravel Radio.jpg 12 Unravel Radio.jpg 13 Unravel Radio.jpg 300px

Q10 proposal


The screen as a medium. the screen is everywhere, but it is not the world.
We see the world in a screen life, Facebook, Daily News, Instagram, en ga zo maar door.. our live's in the Screen. the screen of the world.

I want to make a interactive installation, based on LED, the screen of your'e phone, a other screen of LED.
and the communication to phone and your sending signal to a other screen.

I want to make it portable and use full on a space where people came together en don't know what the interaction is
with to phone en the LED screen.

Even the screen is not the world, the world runs on the screen.
Everything is based on a screen, mabye only a picure.

i want to make a device how runs on a screen of the world by some else signals.
A uncontrollable and to have also some control of it. only if you know.

the world runs the screen and you are a part of it.

The worls2.jpg

senario 2
