
From Publication Station

Anna Török

Anna Török (14.09.1990. Szentes, Hungary) spendig my semester at WDKA on Fashion Design. Specialized in leather accessories (bags shoes) but have been experiencing with clothing design. I have been living in Budapest for 7 years, and now in Rotterdam.

Open Design

What is open design?

Open design is based on sharing knowledge, designing something together involving different experiences, therefore making a community. This allows free documentation, free editing and free distribution.

What do we make?

The basic theme is about to map the neighborhood in Delfshaven around the makerspace, called BouwKeet. The aim is to get in touch with this area's people, to create a tool to make them tell a story.


The first thing to do is to make an emotional map, about the area - mark those places during my trip, what is nice, beautiful or exciting, unusual (green) bad, make me feel uncomfortable, or even sad (red).

Usually, the smells of the area was the most interesting for me, there were bad, and good and something which reminded me for some old memories. I think this was the most memorable and useful information about my trip around the neighborhood, so this might be a first step forward in the research. :) As I am a foreigner in this city, my most important basic needs in a new place is safety and feel myself at home. This feeling can be even a smell or a taste, or even some kind of food, which brings you back home, even just for a second. This is what I am looking for - what kind of food could bring back each people home? What cultures, what memories belongs to this specific food? How can I collect knowledge from this?

The map

Emotional map-01.jpg

My confrontation piece

My confrontation piece is about my own heritage, something which helps me to feel myself home again - my favorite sweets from my childhood. I just made a little card, what is it exactly, where is it from, and why do I like it? So I offer this to people, and ask them, what is THEIR? If I collect these cards all together, I can make a little book about the areas taste - I can map a taste and some memories as well, and It could take a proper cookbook of the area. 200p