Plain-text zine

From Publication Station
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\ Plain-text Zine   /
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duration: whole day (10-16)

How do you create a fanzine - an inheritly visual medium - using only plain text? To find out how we'll take a trip onto memory lane, back to the 1980s and recover some of the techniques used to visually communicate, only using text characters; no images, not fancy layouts, no desktop publishing software, just a text editor and plain text! The resulting fanzine will be both published on paper, using a dot-matrix printer (a popular 1980s type of printer) and as a web page.

Each will student/team be invited to create X number pages or text-characters. Which will be combined into 1 publication


  • introduction to fanzines (Kim)
  • introduction to plain text internet: (Andre)
   * Bulletin Board System
   * IRC
  • introduction to dot-matrix printer (Arjen)


  • texts repository:

The plain text Internet.

Before the Wold Wide Web developed and gained populairty, the Internet was a text-based space. People across the network were interacting by using exclusively plain-text, no images, no text-formating. Yet users did not only communicate through written-language, they also used visual language. But how, this was a text-based medium?

One of the examples popular forms of communicating were the community "spaces", of Bulleting Board Systems and Internet Replay Chat

Links on BBS:

BBS Gallery

       _                       _                    _

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