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:::There is almost no segregation between art and craft as it is both a product of exploration and connection between the mind and :::idea's and the satisfaction of making and creating things by hand.
:::There is almost no segregation between art and craft as it is both a product of exploration and connection between the mind and idea's and the satisfaction of making and creating things by hand.

Revision as of 10:46, 11 February 2015

Roos Kraaieveld

One has got to have a life motto

<pre="color: #380B61"> Additional Stuff

Making is Connecting

The meaning of making I: Philosophies of craft


  • Professional form, crafting for others as a services (carpenter)
  • Making things yourself (knitting, Do-It-Yourself culture)

Craft and Art

  • "Somehow" became two concepts
Art is ' truly creative transformation of idea/emotions into visual objects '
Craft is ' indicating the less prestigious production of carvings and pots '
  • Peter Dormer
Separation between 'having idea's' and 'making objects'
The idea of 'creativity'
  • Richard Sennett
'Thinking and making are aspects of one unified process'
'Thinking and feeling are a part of making'...'a unity of body and mind'
'Craft as exploration, a process of problem solving and problem finding'
  • Ellen Dissanayake
The pleasure in making lies in the fact that one can make something that didn't exist before, by ones own feelings, hands and dexterity
This is why craft survived, R. Sennett.
  • The inherent satisfaction of making; the sense of being alive within the process; and the engagement with ideas, learning, and knowledge which come not before or after but within the practice of making.
  • Craft seems to be about a drive to make and share things no matter what anyone says.
  • The connection between humans, handmade objects and nature.

There is almost no segregation between art and craft as it is both a product of exploration and connection between the mind and idea's and the satisfaction of making and creating things by hand.