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== H O M E W O R K S ==
== P R O J E C T ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras fringilla iaculis nulla sit amet tincidunt. Phasellus ut neque dictum, pulvinar nibh in, condimentum diam. Nunc blandit eu justo sed pretium. Fusce elementum tellus vel quam sodales feugiat. Suspendisse vitae volutpat leo, vitae mollis tellus.
<font size="4">'''Homework 01''' | Understanding electronic circuits</font><BR>
'''Circuit with one resistor''' | Battery '''6.73V''' | Resistor '''471 Ohm''' <BR>
Voltage across resistor '''6,1 V''' | Current through resistor '''12,9 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Double resistor (1k)''' <BR>
Voltage '''6,35 V''' | Current '''6,4 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Half Resistor (220 Ohms)''' <BR>
Voltage '''5,5 V''' | Current '''25,2 A''' <BR>
'''Circuit with two resistors''' | Battery '''6,7 V''' | Resistors '''470 Ohm''' <BR>
Voltage across resistor &sup1; '''3,2V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current resistor &sup1; '''6,8 A''' <BR>
Voltage across resistor &sup2; '''3,2V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current resistor &sup2; '''6,8 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Double one of them''' | Battery '''6,7 V''' | Resistor '''470 Ohm''' and '''940 Ohm''' <BR>
Voltage resistor &sup1; (double) '''4,4 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Current resistor &sup1; (double) '''4,4 A'''  <BR>
Voltage resistor &sup2; '''2,05 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current resistor &sup2; '''4,4 A'''
&#x021B3; '''Half Value of resistor''' | Battery '''6,7 V''' | Resistor '''470 Ohm''' and '''220 Ohm''' <BR>
Voltage resistor &sup1; '''2,05 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current resistor &sup1; (half): '''9,2 A'''  <BR>
Voltage resistor &sup2; '''4,25 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Current resistor &sup2; '''9,2A'''
'''Circuit with four resistors''' | Battery '''6,5 V''' | Fours resistor of '''470 Ohms''' (total of 1410 Ohms) <BR>
Voltage across all resistors '''1,6 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current across all resistors '''3,5 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Double one of them''' <BR>
Voltage resistor double '''2,7V''' | Voltage resistor rest '''1,27V''' | Current '''2,7A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Half Value of resistor''' <BR>
Current '''4 A''' <BR>
Voltage resistor half '''0,87 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Voltage resistor rest '''1,87 V'''<BR>
'''Two parallel''' | Battery '''6,4 V''' | Resistor '''470 Ohms''' <BR>
Voltage resistors '''5,7V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Current both '''12,2 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Double resistor''' <BR>
Voltage normal '''5,85 V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Voltage double '''5,85 V'''<BR>
Current normal '''12,5 A''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current double '''5,9 A'''<BR>
&#x021B3; '''Half resistor''' <BR>
Voltage half '''5,36'''  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Voltage normal '''5,36''' <BR>
Current normal '''11,5 A''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current half '''24,5 A''' <BR>
'''Three parallel''' | Battery '''6,3 V''' | Resistors '''470 Ohms''' <BR>
Voltage resistors: '''5,5V''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current '''12,9 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Double resistor''' <BR>
Voltage '''5,6 V'''<BR>
Current double '''6,3 A''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current normal '''12,9 A''' <BR>
&#x021B3; '''Half resistor''' <BR>
Voltage '''5,16 V''' <BR>
Current half '''23,3 A''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Current normal '''10,7 A'''<BR>
'''LED lamp''' <BR>
Less resistance &#x027FF; more light
<font size="4">'''Homework 02''' | To find and build a (small) circuit using the 555 timer </font><BR>
'''A Circuit that flashes an LED on and off.''' [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJa0oiV6B24]]
&#x021B3; This circuit uses the 555 timer in an Astable operating mode which generates a continuous output via Pin 3 in the form of a square wave. This turns the LED (D1) on and off. The speed at which the LED (D1) is turned on and off is set by the values of R1 and R2. <BR><BR>
'''Parts lists''' <BR>
1x - NE555 Bipolar Timer <BR>
1x - LED (Red) <BR>
1x - 470K Resistor (1/4W) <BR>
2x - 1K Resistor (1/4W) <BR>
1x - 1&#x003BC;F Electrolytic Capacitor (16V) <BR>
1x - 9V Voltage Battery <BR><BR>
'''Comments and observations''' <BR>
* Smaller resistors led into faster flashing lights. <BR>
* To add more LEDs, it is needed to create a "bridge" (using wire). <BR>
* More LEDs will use more of the battery. You need to check out the value of the battery before adding LEDs. Adding LEDs to the circuit may overload the 555 Timer. In order to avoid it, it should be add more resistors in the circuit.
<font size="4">'''Homework 03''' | Recreating schematic layout </font><BR>
1. Download and install CadSoft EAGLE <BR>
2. Download the EAGLE 555 blink template with schematic and PCB layer here: Media:Eagle_555_template.zip‎ . <BR>
3. The template contains all the components needed to create a simple 555 Astable circuit (aka a Blinking LED) <BR>
4. Create the PCB layout <BR>
5. Following the SparkFun tutorials on EAGLE (see resources below) will be VERY helpful along the way!! <BR>
6. Don't not make your PCB larger than 3 x 3 cm (as in the template). <BR>
7. Don't make your traces smaller than ~0.3mm (12mil) <BR>
== P E R S O N A L &#x02234; I N S P I R A T I O N ==
== P E R S O N A L &#x02234; I N S P I R A T I O N ==

Revision as of 09:02, 9 June 2015


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras fringilla iaculis nulla sit amet tincidunt. Phasellus ut neque dictum, pulvinar nibh in, condimentum diam. Nunc blandit eu justo sed pretium. Fusce elementum tellus vel quam sodales feugiat. Suspendisse vitae volutpat leo, vitae mollis tellus.

P E R S O N A L ∴ I N S P I R A T I O N

T U T O R I A L S & H E L P

  • Como interpretar diagramas [[1]]
  • Como ler esquema eletrônico, eletrônica, eletricidade, circuito impresso, fenolite [[2]]
  • 3x3x3 LED Cube Circuit [[3]]
  • Getting started with copper tape for paper electronics [video] [[4]]
  • High-low [list of good tutorials] [[5]]
  • A quick tutorial on diluting eletric paint [[6]]
  • Stencil graphic with a vinyl stencil [[7]]