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= Not only humans see the world =
= Seeing machines =
first thoughts. Seeing machines (worktitle),  the machine watching itself. 'not only humans see the world, machines see the world for other machines'. How do they see the world? How can I make this visible and what can I learn from seeing like them? What will I receive from those systems? I would like to think about what role the medium within it is playing. No ground-based photography can capture those systems as well as the hundreds of satellites operating above us.
– Not only humans see the world
First thoughts for the project / I want to make a stand on Photography. This is because during my study I want to distantize (distantiëren) myself from the way it is used. To me, it seems that the traditional way of photography is still used as the industry (and by the military) have developed it. It feels short-sighted to still use it that way. Because of the industrialization of photography it has undergone a transition. It resulted in a oversupply on footages, a never ending dossier boven all expectations. The image for me is related to desire and I still want to consume it but, I want to find alternative ways. What I find really fascinating is that photography is used for controlling society in a social and political way.
Susan sontag – on photography .183
''' Door die fotografische verkenningen en verdubbeling van de wereld worden continuïteiten verbrokkeld en de stukken ervan in een nooit eindigend dossier gestopt dat controle mogelijkheden verschaft die zelfs de stoutste verwachtingen onder het vroegere registratiestelsel voor informatie te boven gaan. Dat fotografische registratie altijd een potentieel controlemiddel is, werd al ingezien toen die macht nog in de kinderschoenen stond.'''
'De fotografie heeft een bepaalde macht die geen andere beeldvormend procédé ooit heeft bezeten, want in tegenstelling tot vroegere procédés is de fotografie [[niet]] afhankelijk van een beeldenmaker.
The image, for me is related to desire.
Seeing machines (worktitle) 'not only humans see the world, machines see the world for other machines'. How do they see the world? How can I make this visible and what can I learn from seeing like them? What will I receive from those systems? I would like to think about what role the medium within it is playing. No ground-based photography can capture those systems as well as the hundreds of satellites operating above us.

Revision as of 13:42, 15 November 2017

Seeing machines

– Not only humans see the world

First thoughts for the project / I want to make a stand on Photography. This is because during my study I want to distantize (distantiëren) myself from the way it is used. To me, it seems that the traditional way of photography is still used as the industry (and by the military) have developed it. It feels short-sighted to still use it that way. Because of the industrialization of photography it has undergone a transition. It resulted in a oversupply on footages, a never ending dossier boven all expectations. The image for me is related to desire and I still want to consume it but, I want to find alternative ways. What I find really fascinating is that photography is used for controlling society in a social and political way.

Susan sontag – on photography .183 Door die fotografische verkenningen en verdubbeling van de wereld worden continuïteiten verbrokkeld en de stukken ervan in een nooit eindigend dossier gestopt dat controle mogelijkheden verschaft die zelfs de stoutste verwachtingen onder het vroegere registratiestelsel voor informatie te boven gaan. Dat fotografische registratie altijd een potentieel controlemiddel is, werd al ingezien toen die macht nog in de kinderschoenen stond.

.184 'De fotografie heeft een bepaalde macht die geen andere beeldvormend procédé ooit heeft bezeten, want in tegenstelling tot vroegere procédés is de fotografie niet afhankelijk van een beeldenmaker.

The image, for me is related to desire. 

Seeing machines (worktitle) 'not only humans see the world, machines see the world for other machines'. How do they see the world? How can I make this visible and what can I learn from seeing like them? What will I receive from those systems? I would like to think about what role the medium within it is playing. No ground-based photography can capture those systems as well as the hundreds of satellites operating above us.

Si-3.jpg invisible communication networks 'hidden' fascinating starting point

[1] [2] Manifesto

The object/tool captures and displays images, real-time, by the surrounding wireless networks. When the world changes, the image together with it.

Het ontwerp geeft vorm aan de manier waarop beeld communiceert en voortbeweegt. Het gebruikt het overvloed aan beeld als input van laptops, telefoons en tablets. Door het ontwerp aan een display te hangen wordt het beeld uit zijn context gehaald. Een sleepnet aan beeld. wantrouwig design wat aanzet tot