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So now it was time to buy my own device to circuitbend.
So now it was time to buy my own device to circuitbend.
The proces: First I opend the piano and looked inside of it.
The proces you see below:

Revision as of 09:32, 31 January 2019

Much W0W,

Cybernetics: Working with self-organizing systems

Project 1 memes,

'Reimagine an existing technology or platform using the provided sets of cards.
' This was a collaboration with: Laura Ketting, Jorijn de Jonge and Eva Schoren.

Findings / references

  • Toekomst is hele normale manier van leven
  • Mensen hun leven verpest door memes
  • Politiek geladen
  • Positieve feedback loops
  • Gecompliceerde wereld
  • memes van memes
  • Mierenkolonie (interessant voor de video) (errors)
  • The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
  • (arrival film) beïnvloedt denkwijze
  • Meme taal

Obama remix meme - politiek geladen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofu_089eZyI

meme maker nu in gallery / By Any Memes Necessary in Los Angeles. /https://www.instagram.com/ka5sh/?hl=en



Kim de groot/ memewars


how language change the way we think



Flag of Kekistan

fact: kek is LOL in the language use in world of warcraft.




result video dystopie future meme

about the video

Try not to laugh

In a digital future we become more familiar with digital language. Even so this will become the language we will use. There will be a point in witch normies become absolute. What will this new/current language do to use as a species? (The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) The youth of today understand the meme language but our parent do not. It is a generation gab that continuously grows. In the video we made we use the language with story telling. What we found out is that the youth kind of understands what is going on, but elderly totally not.



project 2: Cybernetic Prosthetics:

The Sixth Sense project

"A new relationships between a biological organism- and a machine, relating to our explorations on reimagining technology in the posthuman age."


I worked together with Tim van Hooft and Ricardo. We started with a conversation and found a lot of ideas. I felt really nice but the problem was we had to many ideas and had to narrow it down to focus on one single project. The focus we found most interesting was to experience the world around us in a new digital way. As the world brings more and more devices to interact with on a daily basses we have to find a way to deal with it. So we came up with the idea to make a new sense so we could feel the electronic devices around us

Mindmap/ideas before getting into research

Findings/Inspiration sourche

- The Cactus Project by Laura Cinti made us very excited. We found it such a remarkable idea that the usage of technology could merge genes of plant and human.
- The Next Nature Net is also very iconic concerning nature and technology. The modular body drew our attention.
- Richard Vijgens project called White Spots really suited our project while we thought of our future perspectives and the constant expanding of The internet of things around us.

Process of prototype

We decided to create an extension of our hands, that would be able to show on touch that you are near an electro magnetic field.

We found a tutorial on how to create an easy EMF detector from Aaron Alai. With just the use of an external battery, LED light, resistor and piece of current lead wire.

Code and practicalities

The LED light goes in digital input 11 and Ground The current lead wire is attachted to Analog output 1 and attached to a 1M resistor stated in analog output 5.

We used this code for the Arduino Software: // Aaron ALAI EMF Detector April 22nd 2009 VERSION 1.0 // aaronalai1@gmail.com // *future note, put in averaging function to average val which should result in a more // smooth response from the led. I will give you a hint on how to make an averaging function; // it involves the use of an array

int inPin = 5; // analog 5 int val = 0; // where to store info from analog 5 int pin11 = 11; // output of red led

void setup() {



void loop() {

 val = analogRead(inPin);                    // reads in the values from analog 5 and
                                                                  //assigns them to val
 if(val >= 1){
   val = constrain(val, 1, 100);               // mess with these values                                       
   val = map(val, 1, 100, 1, 255);        // to change the response distance of the device
   analogWrite(pin11, val);                    // *note also messing with the resistor should change  
                                                                  // the sensitivity
  }else{                                                     // analogWrite(pin11, val); just tuns on the led with 
                                                                 // the intensity of the variable val
   analogWrite(pin11, 0);                     // the else statement is just telling the microcontroller
                                                                // to turn off the light if there is no EMF detected
Serial.println(val);                                // use output to aid in calibrating


You can use a variety of materials to use as an EMF antenna, all with different sensitivities and possibilities.

We also used a variety of different materials but found that a simple alligator clip attached to the resistor works best and finds a good balance between the sensitivities.

Finalizing prototype

With a simple Halloween-store hand, we managed to sketch the idea of having a sixth sense. What if we took this years in the future? will it be in our hands? or will it serve as an extra limb somewhere else on our bodies?


video/demonstration Link

From devices to systems

When the black box assignment was presented I wanted to do something with cuircuit-bending. I follow a youtube channel look mum no computer
Who inspires me to create a sorts of devices that produce music. I had never done it myself, so I thought this would be the perfect moment to give it a try.

This video was the starting point.

circuit bending intro

So now it was time to buy my own device to circuitbend. The proces you see below: