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[https://youtu.be/IPpQrGbxSas <span> video/demonstration Link  </span> ]
[https://youtu.be/IPpQrGbxSas <span> video/demonstration Link  </span> ]
= '''From devices to systems''' =
= '''From devices to systems''' =
When the black box assignment was presented I wanted to do something with cuircuit-bending. I follow a youtube channel [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafxR2HWJRmMfSdyZXvZMTw <span>'''look mum no computer '''</span>] <br>
Who inspires me to create a sorts of devices that produce music. I had never done it myself, so I thought this would be the perfect moment to give it a try.
'''This video was the starting point.'''
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfTdD_5XyE <span>'''circuit bending''' intro </span>] <br>
[[File:Circuitbend.png| 600px]]
So now it was time to buy my own device to circuitbend.
The proces you see below:
File:Piano.jpg  |- the piano
File:Pinano2.jpg |- mapping it out
File:piano3.jpg |- first try circuitbend
File: piano4.jpg|- wires connecting
File: piano5.jpg|- wires
When the black box assignment was presented I wanted to do something with cuircuit-bending. I follow a youtube channel [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafxR2HWJRmMfSdyZXvZMTw <span>'''look mum no computer '''= </span>] Who inspires me to create a sorts of devices that produce music.
==Cartography of Complex Systems & the Anthropocene==
'''Mapping of the inside.'''
This video was the starting point.
The inside of the toy piano looked very similar to a keyboard i’ve taken apart. So it was not that difficult to know how the connections worked. On the circuit board i had to make 2 connections to link it to a sound. Soldering every connection made it easier to play with order. If the sound went out of control I could always reset it with the on/off switch.
It was really fun to circuit bend this toy. The next time i would at some delays or filter to it so it can function as an synthesizer.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfTdD_5XyE <span>circuit bending intro </span>]
<div style="padding: 5px 10px; font-family: Courier, monospace; background-color: #F3F3F3; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;">
[[Media:Video1.mp4.zip]] (bestandgrootte: 485Kb)<br/>
[[Media:Video7.mp4.zip]] (bestandsgrootte: 3Kb)
= '''Anecdotal Data Doodles''' =
==SCCRR - car toy==
It was a group-efford with the MICA students. Within a short range of time, our collaboration resulted in an demonstration of our work. This group-efford was a collaboration between WDKA and MICA students, to unravel the code within a few days. My focus on this project was making the RC connection between the toy car and the data input from the website.
''The code for live tracking of emoji:''
<div style="padding: 5px 10px; font-family: Courier, monospace; background-color: #F3F3F3; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;">
const endpoint = "https://stream.emojitracker.com";
let evsource = new EventSource(`${endpoint}/subscribe/details/1F495`);
evsource.addEventListener("stream.tweet_updates.1F495", event => {
    update = JSON.parse(event.data);
    console.log(`${update.name} tweeted: ${update.text}`);
Video of the work we made:
[https://vimeo.com/307839036 Anecdotal Data Doodles]
= '''End work- Comatic''' =
Comatic is a designer tool and a philosophy. Next to this tool, it is seeking the value of a material in its defects or side-effects. By exploring lenses I learned About the defect comatic aberration, which creates a mis-focus and cause the image to appear different than it should. Using this defect in a system result in the creation of unique visuals. Comatic embraces the defects and transforms it in explorable designs. The designer can interact with this tool and found out about the possibilities.
File:Cmatic1.jpg|Visual outcome
File:Cmatic2.jpg| Visual outcome
<div style="padding: 5px 10px; font-family: Courier, monospace; background-color: #F3F3F3; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;">
==Proces/Research ==
[[media:Proces1.pdf]] <br>
[[media:Proces2.pdf]] <br>
[[media:Proces3.pdf]] <br>
[[media:Proces4.pdf]] <br>
File:Of.jpg|light off
File:On.jpg| light on
File:System.jpg| Comatic Box
= '''position-paper''' =
The decision for the minor digital craft felt like a natural choice. A feeling that this would be the right place to be as an extension of the previous electives I had taken a part in. With Kinect hack/ Drawing machines and Chihuahua or muffin in my pocket this was the new starting point.
I always had a connection with technology and nature and the connection between them has started to grow on me.
In 2017 I went to Integrated, a Design festival focusing on the art & design of the civil domain: a vaguely designated area and ambiguous third space between market and state, where innovative (design) ideas, both physical and virtual, are more than often cultivated in a grey zone between legality and illegality.
The theme spoke to me, It’s the boundary’s that inspires me to create. Looking for these grey area’s. At the festival this grey area was legality and illegality. The talk of Anja Groten was really nice. I even wrote down ‘’super cool’’ in the booklet that was given to me.
She is an inspiration for me. She aims to break the barrier between hackers and designers and seeks to investigate lager societal questions about our reliance on domination forms of technology.
<br> <br>
How I approach my craft is by discovery. I have a strong intuitive way of working. The ideas just pop up when I’m doing my every day life things such as. Eating, scrolling through my Instagram feet, Watching a movie, or when im on the toilet. This because the ideas that come up are al reflections on the society that I’m living in. Just by focusing on the right connections and placing myself in different environments gives me the idea’s that I need.
<br> <br>
The tools im using comes from various locations. Going to an real cheap store and buy an electronic device just to see whats inside? But also just the internet, browsing video’s and forms. I can watch youtube channels for days! Channels such as [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0bsKc4tiuY Simone Giertz], [https://www.youtube.com/user/testedcom/videos tested] and [https://www.youtube.com/user/destinws2/videos SmarterEveryDay].
Simone Grietz is a maker who creates shitty robots. Robots that fail to do something good. By doing this she removed the pressure to preform wel and make something perfect. She gets more creative and enthusiastic about the process and learns way more. It’s this mindset that gets me exited!
Often when im working on something, the conversations with people about the work brings me to a better understanding on the project. I often drift away in thought and then try to figure out the meaning of the this thought,  I think this means that I am in basses more a thinker than a doer. This does not mean that im not physically working on my project but radder that I first think trough what I am actually doing and try to figure out the theory behind it.  Watching media productions such as science fiction movies can become a great inspiration source. Such as Bladrunner and arrival. These world building movies get me in the creative mood and gives me a conversation on today’s society. It makes me think and reflect critically. I believe movies are a creative way of questioning the world a contemporary respons on the society we live in and can give us more than only a good story.
I don’t really see borders in this craft.Technologies still become better every year, I think it’s our responsibility to question these technologies and to react on it. Artificial intelligence is now the big topic. People think it’s scary because AI will take over the world. It becomes smarter than us humans. People are always scared for change. I think in the future we will work in conversation with AI to not only speed up the process of making but to improve it. In fact these conversations are already happening.
I’m stil not sure if I have found out what my position on the craft is. What I do know is that im constantly reflecting on my surroundings and looking at the behaviors of the people. Maybe I’m a contemporary researcher that reacts on the society and surroundings we live in. [https://studiomoniker.com/ Studio Moniker]  is a good example they are researching the social effects of technology. To become better at my discipline I need to learn how to bring my thoughts to the people in a way that is understandable and interesting. Not only Visual but also conceptual.
= '''Flipdot workshop / Unravel the code 28 okt 2019''' =
''flipdot camera,''
// take pixels from sketch and send to flipdots
import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  String[] ports = Serial.list();
  String portName = ports[ ports.length-1];
  print("Connected to ");
  port = new Serial( this, portName, 57600);
  String[] cameras = Capture.list();
  if (cameras.length == 0) {
    println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
  } else {
    println("Available cameras:");
    for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
    // The camera can be initialized directly using an
    // element from the array returned by list():
    cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);
void draw() {
  if (cam.available() == true) {
  image(cam, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  image(cam, 0, 0, 20, 14);
  byte val = 0;
  byte b = 0;
  for (int x =0; x < 20; x ++) {
    for (int y =0; y < 14; y ++) {
      int pix = (((pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0xff0000) >> 16) + ((pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0x00ff00) >> 8) + (pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0x0000ff))/3;
      byte bit = byte(pix < 255 /2) ;
      val = byte(val | (bit << b));
      if (b >= 8) {
        port.write( val);
        b = 0;
        val = 0;

Latest revision as of 21:15, 28 October 2019

Much W0W,

Cybernetics: Working with self-organizing systems

Project 1 memes,

'Reimagine an existing technology or platform using the provided sets of cards.
' This was a collaboration with: Laura Ketting, Jorijn de Jonge and Eva Schoren.

Findings / references

  • Toekomst is hele normale manier van leven
  • Mensen hun leven verpest door memes
  • Politiek geladen
  • Positieve feedback loops
  • Gecompliceerde wereld
  • memes van memes
  • Mierenkolonie (interessant voor de video) (errors)
  • The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
  • (arrival film) beïnvloedt denkwijze
  • Meme taal

Obama remix meme - politiek geladen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofu_089eZyI

meme maker nu in gallery / By Any Memes Necessary in Los Angeles. /https://www.instagram.com/ka5sh/?hl=en



Kim de groot/ memewars


how language change the way we think



Flag of Kekistan

fact: kek is LOL in the language use in world of warcraft.




result video dystopie future meme

about the video

Try not to laugh

In a digital future we become more familiar with digital language. Even so this will become the language we will use. There will be a point in witch normies become absolute. What will this new/current language do to use as a species? (The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) The youth of today understand the meme language but our parent do not. It is a generation gab that continuously grows. In the video we made we use the language with story telling. What we found out is that the youth kind of understands what is going on, but elderly totally not.



project 2: Cybernetic Prosthetics:

The Sixth Sense project

"A new relationships between a biological organism- and a machine, relating to our explorations on reimagining technology in the posthuman age."


I worked together with Tim van Hooft and Ricardo. We started with a conversation and found a lot of ideas. I felt really nice but the problem was we had to many ideas and had to narrow it down to focus on one single project. The focus we found most interesting was to experience the world around us in a new digital way. As the world brings more and more devices to interact with on a daily basses we have to find a way to deal with it. So we came up with the idea to make a new sense so we could feel the electronic devices around us

Mindmap/ideas before getting into research

Findings/Inspiration sourche

- The Cactus Project by Laura Cinti made us very excited. We found it such a remarkable idea that the usage of technology could merge genes of plant and human.
- The Next Nature Net is also very iconic concerning nature and technology. The modular body drew our attention.
- Richard Vijgens project called White Spots really suited our project while we thought of our future perspectives and the constant expanding of The internet of things around us.

Process of prototype

We decided to create an extension of our hands, that would be able to show on touch that you are near an electro magnetic field.

We found a tutorial on how to create an easy EMF detector from Aaron Alai. With just the use of an external battery, LED light, resistor and piece of current lead wire.

Code and practicalities

The LED light goes in digital input 11 and Ground The current lead wire is attachted to Analog output 1 and attached to a 1M resistor stated in analog output 5.

We used this code for the Arduino Software: // Aaron ALAI EMF Detector April 22nd 2009 VERSION 1.0 // aaronalai1@gmail.com // *future note, put in averaging function to average val which should result in a more // smooth response from the led. I will give you a hint on how to make an averaging function; // it involves the use of an array

int inPin = 5; // analog 5 int val = 0; // where to store info from analog 5 int pin11 = 11; // output of red led

void setup() {



void loop() {

 val = analogRead(inPin);                    // reads in the values from analog 5 and
                                                                  //assigns them to val
 if(val >= 1){
   val = constrain(val, 1, 100);               // mess with these values                                       
   val = map(val, 1, 100, 1, 255);        // to change the response distance of the device
   analogWrite(pin11, val);                    // *note also messing with the resistor should change  
                                                                  // the sensitivity
  }else{                                                     // analogWrite(pin11, val); just tuns on the led with 
                                                                 // the intensity of the variable val
   analogWrite(pin11, 0);                     // the else statement is just telling the microcontroller
                                                                // to turn off the light if there is no EMF detected
Serial.println(val);                                // use output to aid in calibrating


You can use a variety of materials to use as an EMF antenna, all with different sensitivities and possibilities.

We also used a variety of different materials but found that a simple alligator clip attached to the resistor works best and finds a good balance between the sensitivities.

Finalizing prototype

With a simple Halloween-store hand, we managed to sketch the idea of having a sixth sense. What if we took this years in the future? will it be in our hands? or will it serve as an extra limb somewhere else on our bodies?


video/demonstration Link

From devices to systems

When the black box assignment was presented I wanted to do something with cuircuit-bending. I follow a youtube channel look mum no computer
Who inspires me to create a sorts of devices that produce music. I had never done it myself, so I thought this would be the perfect moment to give it a try.

This video was the starting point.

circuit bending intro


So now it was time to buy my own device to circuitbend. The proces you see below:

Cartography of Complex Systems & the Anthropocene

Mapping of the inside.

The inside of the toy piano looked very similar to a keyboard i’ve taken apart. So it was not that difficult to know how the connections worked. On the circuit board i had to make 2 connections to link it to a sound. Soldering every connection made it easier to play with order. If the sound went out of control I could always reset it with the on/off switch. It was really fun to circuit bend this toy. The next time i would at some delays or filter to it so it can function as an synthesizer.



Media:Video1.mp4.zip (bestandgrootte: 485Kb)
Media:Video7.mp4.zip (bestandsgrootte: 3Kb)

Anecdotal Data Doodles

SCCRR - car toy

It was a group-efford with the MICA students. Within a short range of time, our collaboration resulted in an demonstration of our work. This group-efford was a collaboration between WDKA and MICA students, to unravel the code within a few days. My focus on this project was making the RC connection between the toy car and the data input from the website.

The code for live tracking of emoji:

const endpoint = "https://stream.emojitracker.com"; let evsource = new EventSource(`${endpoint}/subscribe/details/1F495`); evsource.addEventListener("stream.tweet_updates.1F495", event => {

   update = JSON.parse(event.data);
   console.log(`${update.name} tweeted: ${update.text}`);


Video of the work we made:

Anecdotal Data Doodles


End work- Comatic

Comatic is a designer tool and a philosophy. Next to this tool, it is seeking the value of a material in its defects or side-effects. By exploring lenses I learned About the defect comatic aberration, which creates a mis-focus and cause the image to appear different than it should. Using this defect in a system result in the creation of unique visuals. Comatic embraces the defects and transforms it in explorable designs. The designer can interact with this tool and found out about the possibilities.




The decision for the minor digital craft felt like a natural choice. A feeling that this would be the right place to be as an extension of the previous electives I had taken a part in. With Kinect hack/ Drawing machines and Chihuahua or muffin in my pocket this was the new starting point. I always had a connection with technology and nature and the connection between them has started to grow on me.

In 2017 I went to Integrated, a Design festival focusing on the art & design of the civil domain: a vaguely designated area and ambiguous third space between market and state, where innovative (design) ideas, both physical and virtual, are more than often cultivated in a grey zone between legality and illegality.

The theme spoke to me, It’s the boundary’s that inspires me to create. Looking for these grey area’s. At the festival this grey area was legality and illegality. The talk of Anja Groten was really nice. I even wrote down ‘’super cool’’ in the booklet that was given to me. She is an inspiration for me. She aims to break the barrier between hackers and designers and seeks to investigate lager societal questions about our reliance on domination forms of technology.

How I approach my craft is by discovery. I have a strong intuitive way of working. The ideas just pop up when I’m doing my every day life things such as. Eating, scrolling through my Instagram feet, Watching a movie, or when im on the toilet. This because the ideas that come up are al reflections on the society that I’m living in. Just by focusing on the right connections and placing myself in different environments gives me the idea’s that I need.

The tools im using comes from various locations. Going to an real cheap store and buy an electronic device just to see whats inside? But also just the internet, browsing video’s and forms. I can watch youtube channels for days! Channels such as Simone Giertz, tested and SmarterEveryDay. Simone Grietz is a maker who creates shitty robots. Robots that fail to do something good. By doing this she removed the pressure to preform wel and make something perfect. She gets more creative and enthusiastic about the process and learns way more. It’s this mindset that gets me exited!

Often when im working on something, the conversations with people about the work brings me to a better understanding on the project. I often drift away in thought and then try to figure out the meaning of the this thought, I think this means that I am in basses more a thinker than a doer. This does not mean that im not physically working on my project but radder that I first think trough what I am actually doing and try to figure out the theory behind it. Watching media productions such as science fiction movies can become a great inspiration source. Such as Bladrunner and arrival. These world building movies get me in the creative mood and gives me a conversation on today’s society. It makes me think and reflect critically. I believe movies are a creative way of questioning the world a contemporary respons on the society we live in and can give us more than only a good story.

I don’t really see borders in this craft.Technologies still become better every year, I think it’s our responsibility to question these technologies and to react on it. Artificial intelligence is now the big topic. People think it’s scary because AI will take over the world. It becomes smarter than us humans. People are always scared for change. I think in the future we will work in conversation with AI to not only speed up the process of making but to improve it. In fact these conversations are already happening.
I’m stil not sure if I have found out what my position on the craft is. What I do know is that im constantly reflecting on my surroundings and looking at the behaviors of the people. Maybe I’m a contemporary researcher that reacts on the society and surroundings we live in. Studio Moniker is a good example they are researching the social effects of technology. To become better at my discipline I need to learn how to bring my thoughts to the people in a way that is understandable and interesting. Not only Visual but also conceptual.

Flipdot workshop / Unravel the code 28 okt 2019

flipdot camera,


// take pixels from sketch and send to flipdots

import processing.serial.*; Serial port;

import processing.video.*; Capture cam;

void setup() {

 size(800, 600);
 String[] ports = Serial.list();
 String portName = ports[ ports.length-1];
 print("Connected to ");
 port = new Serial( this, portName, 57600);
 String[] cameras = Capture.list();
 if (cameras.length == 0) {
   println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
 } else {
   println("Available cameras:");
   for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
   // The camera can be initialized directly using an 
   // element from the array returned by list():
   cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);


void draw() {

 if (cam.available() == true) {
 image(cam, 0, 0, 800, 600);
 image(cam, 0, 0, 20, 14);
 byte val = 0;
 byte b = 0;
 for (int x =0; x < 20; x ++) {
   for (int y =0; y < 14; y ++) {
     int pix = (((pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0xff0000) >> 16) + ((pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0x00ff00) >> 8) + (pixels[(x + y * width)] & 0x0000ff))/3;
     byte bit = byte(pix < 255 /2) ;
     val = byte(val | (bit << b));
     if (b >= 8) {
       port.write( val);
       b = 0;
       val = 0;
