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== <font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇⌇⌇⌇ UNRAVEL THE CODE ⌇⌇⌇⌇  </font> ==
<b>Digital Habits</b>
== <font color="#6600FF"> ⌇⌇⌇⌇ MINOR ⌇⌇⌇⌇  </font> ==
: • ’S ochtends als eerst op laptop/telefoon kijken
: • Recognition (face, voice)
: • Afhankelijkheid (stopcontacten, batterijen, telefoon)
: • Glitch
: • Alles vast willen leggen (locatie, beeld, gevoel)
: • Interactie
<font color="#FF36FD">  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  https://wmresearch.hotglue.me    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< </font>
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
[[/asm | <font color="#BB00C8">  PROJECT 1 </font>]]
<b>Sherry Turble - Alone together TED talk</b>
[[/njm | <font color="#A10B9E"> PROJECT 2  </font>]]
[[/drie | <font color="#9400D3">  PROJECT 3  </font>]]
You only have to pay attention to the points that interest you. In real time, you can’t control what you’re gonna say. In digital time, we can present ourselves as we want to be (edit, delete: clean up with technology.)
[[/vier | <font color="#A10B9E"> PROJECT 4 </font>]]
Machines that offer companionship, no one else is listening in ‘real life’ but the machines are. They offer comfort, social robots. Machines that are always there for us and always want to listen to us
[[/research | <font color="#BB00C8"> RESEARCH </font>]]
<i><b>We expect more from technology and less from each other. </b></i>
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
<b>Project from André Castro, a real-time dialog between chatbots</b>
This work consists of a loop where two chatbots - virtual assistants, Anna (from IKEA) and Danny (from DAAD) are put in a chatting situation. Instead of the keywords common to their vocabulary, I introduced terms relative to the Creative Industries. Hope they will be able to help you. http://www.andrecastro.info/a/works.html#bots
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
<b>Passwords</b> - What happens to all the old ones?
<b>Old/unused social media accounts</b> - What does still exist and are people aware of them? Do they care?
<b>Power/power plugs</b> - We became so dependent on them, they have full power over us. Extension of humanity.
<b>Voice recognition</b> - Let them communicate with each other, no human needed anymore
<b>Face recognition</b> - Influence, glitch
<i>Everything has to be easier/faster, but it actually is getting way more complex. If you look at the ‘A digital tomorrow’ video for example, you see the girl trying to start the car with face recognition. But it won’t recognize her until she has put on all of her make-up. Why do we want this? Why do we want to make everything easier but make it more complicated instead?</i>
Books, writing, checking the time, searching for information; you can do this all on your phone. Everything has been put in one thing, we became so dependent on this tittle device. It has to charged all the time and when it's almost running out of battery we start to panic.
<b>Turn yourself into a walking <i>charger</i>: Wearable technology could let us power up mobile phones using our <i>body heat</i></b>. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2617619/Turn-walking-CHARGER-Wearable-technology-let-power-mobile-phones-using-BODY-HEAT.html

Latest revision as of 19:28, 23 January 2017

⌇⌇⌇⌇ MINOR ⌇⌇⌇⌇

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://wmresearch.hotglue.me <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<