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- Puzzel box with contours that you can use in your world ala (find artist)
- Puzzel box with contours that you can use in your world ala (find artist)
[[File:JMvdKOLKexperimentslight.jpg | 300px]]
[[File:JMvdKOLKexperimentslight.jpg | 300px]]
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I should research more about cultural distractions and the definition of distraction and find the core of that.
I should research more about cultural distractions and the definition of distraction and find the core of that.
"A funny speculative investigation about distraction (film idea)."
Starting points:<br>
Look up useless distractions.<br>
promote distractions while offering critique. (think of start-up commercials (footballtables/pingpongtables, have fun NOW!!!)) <br>
Artists need fun to be productive!! <br>
immerse yourself in distraction <br>
uselessness <br>
Also wanted to create inspiration based ideas by animating them, didn't finish it because I realized I didn't want to go this way. I wanted to create something really distractive instead of creating something inspiring. :
'''Artists to look into:'''<br>
==Motion sensor==
I used a PIR motion sensor, it uses infra red to detect movement. It detects them through the infrared radiation that people or objects above zero heat give off. This gives a spike in his detection values when it detects something with the radiation and sets the script off. In my case, it made an small audio speaker go off on a low tune whenever something walked in front of it.
== Meaning of distraction ==
"Stolen from various sources"  <br>
"  (dĭ-străk′shən) <br>
n. <br>
1. The act of distracting, or the condition of being distracted: Inexperienced drivers are especially vulnerable to distraction. His distraction of the child worked well, and the child stopped crying. <br>
2. Something that makes it difficult to pay attention or that draws attention away from familiar or everyday concerns: was annoyed by the distractions of having so many roommates; found that the shopping mall was always full of pleasant distractions. <br>
3. Mental or emotional disturbance; agitation or confusion: loved the puppy to distraction; was driven to distraction by the noisy neighbors. <br>
''distraction <br>
(dɪˈstrækʃən)  <br>
n <br>
1. the act or an instance of distracting or the state of being distracted <br>
2. something that serves as a diversion or entertainment <br>
3. an interruption; an obstacle to concentration <br>
4. (Psychology) mental turmoil or madness''  <br>
dis•trac•tion <br>
(dɪˈstræk ʃən)  <br>
n.  <br>
1. the act of distracting.  <br>
2. the state of being distracted.  <br>
3. mental distress or derangement.  <br>
4. a person or thing that prevents concentration.  <br>
5. something that amuses.  <br>
Thesaurus: <br>
''Noun 1. distraction - mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction"
confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness, confusion - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; confusion of impressions" <br>
2. distraction - an obstacle to attention
inattention - lack of attention <br>
3. distraction - an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
entertainment, amusement - an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention <br>
4. distraction - the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something; "conjurers are experts at misdirection"
misdirection <br>
revision, alteration - the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification); "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion"'' <br>
'distraction ‎(plural distractions)<br>
1. Something that distracts. [ quotations ▼] <br>
Poking one's eye is a good distraction from a hurting toe.‎ <br>
2. The process of being distracted. [ quotations ▼]  <br>
We have to reduce distraction in class if we want students to achieve good results.‎ <br>
3. Perturbation; disorder; disturbance; confusion. [ quotations ▼]  <br>
4. Mental disorder; a deranged state of mind; insanity. [ quotations ▼]  <br>
The incessant nightmares drove him to distraction.‎' <br>
http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-seize-attention-of-distracted-audience-ht <br>
Use of distraction and narrative in Brand commercials or story. <br>
'The way to move someone is to tell a good story." <br>
Use of emotion creates a better story.  <br>
Een afleidend zijn<br>
Animators gericht<br>
'''Cultural Distraction'''<br>
'''Tea leaves'''<br>
Takes Basic shapes recognition and mediations. <br>
You use the leaves of tea in your cup, you drink while clearing your mind and thoughts, If a troubling though keeps returning, it will be the subject of your tea reading, Otherwise it's general based. once there is a little bit left, you drop the tea on the saucer. You have to identify small shapes on your saucer in the tea pieces. This is based upon the idea that the basic shapes recognition is linked to the subconcious of yourself. and that by seeing these shapes you are reflecting and reading yourself. <br>
'''Magician tricks'''<br>
uses misdirection for the audience to divert their attention. <br>
Create something with the unfinished things?<br>
'''Distraction/Uselessness Patents'''<br>
WIPO Patent Application WO/1999/051160 <br>
Kind Code: <br>
A1 <br>
An osteosynthetic distraction device is adapted for insertion under the skin of a patient and has first and second relatively moveable distraction elements (10 and 12) which are secured respectively to bone parts B1 and B2 to be distracted. A controllable arrangement is provided for effecting relative movement between the distraction elements (10 and 12) in a distraction direction. The controllable arrangement includes at least one permanent magnet (30) movable under the influence of an externally applied magnetic field. Movement of the magnet (30) causes relative movement between said first and second distraction elements (10 and 12) in said distraction direction. A stop, such as a pawl and ratchet (24, 22), prevents relative movement of said first and second distraction elements (10 and 12) in a direction opposite to said distraction direction. <br>
United States Patent Application 20100050275 <br>
Kind Code:<br>
A1 <br>
In one form a device having an integrated circuit is rendered useless by providing a piezo element coupled to a voltage terminal of the integrated circuit of the device. A render useless signal is generated by any of several ways. The piezo element, in response to the render useless signal, renders in any one of several ways the device to be rendered useless. The piezo element, when disturbed, generates a voltage which is provided to the voltage terminal of the integrated circuit, the voltage being sufficiently high to render useless at least a portion of the integrated circuit. In other forms the render useless signal renders MRAM circuitry within the device useless by moving a magnetic field across the MRAM circuitry to vary resistance of memory reference cells. In one form the magnetic field is moved by spring-loading or pivoting a magnet that is released by the piezo element. <br>
Useless barking preventing collar <br>
European Patent Application EP1645182 <br>
Kind Code: <br>
A1 <br>
It is an object to provide a useless barking preventing collar for preventing a dog from barking. A collar (C) to be attached to the neck of a dog is provided with a vibration unit (10) for carrying out a vibration when sensing the bark of the dog, and the vibration unit (10) is constituted by a control portion (20) including a sound sensor (21) for detecting the bark of the dog, a regulator (22) for outputting a sense signal when the volume of the bark detected by the sound sensor (21) is equal to or greater than a reference, and a switch (23), a vibration generating portion (30) for generating a vibration when inputting the sense signal, and a sound generating portion (40) for generating a sound when inputting the sense signal. When the dog barks, accordingly, the vibration unit (10) is vibrated so that the collar (C) is vibrated. Consequently, the vibration of the collar (C) is transmitted to the dog so that an unpleasant feeling can be given to the dog. Thus, it is possible to prevent the dog from barking.<br>

Latest revision as of 11:32, 14 January 2016

Tools of the Trade


The craft I'm going to work with is Animation.
Animation is about bringing non-moving imagery to life. To accomplish this, Animation uses a variety of methods and tools. It uses for example storytelling, producing of work (digital, analog, 3D or 2D) and editing. Digital tools could make it easier to craft animation. When computers weren't that advanced yet, people had to draw their cells on paper and use a layer machine to combine them. Now we can create layers easily in any drawing software.
The cons of my profession are not being able to see the final result immediately, you have to use a method to render it out or flip through it. (devices/digitally etc) Another struggle is coming up with an idea. As an animator it is easy to get stuck in a personal bubble. A good way for inspiration or motivation is by watching what others did, going outside and view your surroundings, talking to others or just simply doing something else. Another thing I'm worrying about is how much motion capture and scanning is happening in animation. A lot of AAA animation is not made by hand anymore but with motion capture. models can now be scanned and animations are trying to achieve realism.

I believe it would be fun to figure out something to distract yourself from your work and which give you new ideas. I am thinking of a device that could spew new ideas at you and give you inspiration.



Theme: Distraction
Questionary: Design a device that distracts us and leads us to new insights and inspirations.

The Art of Distraction
Author(s): Thomas J. Cottle
Source: The Antioch Review, Vol. 51, No. 2, The Late Dylan Thomas (Spring, 1993), pp. 284-293
Published by: Antioch Review Inc.

The Art of Distraction Summary
10 pages.
page 1:
The first page explains the society's need for distraction and how the government, communication media and entertainment uses it. It defines 'distraction' as 'to divert or draw the mind away from something' It also explains it means 'to cause conflict and confusion'.
page 2:
The second page is explaining distractions are affecting us mentally. It changes our way of looking or thinking. it also talks about how certain aspects of our society uses this knowledge to capture our attention. As examples the writer uses Advertising and celebrities.
Page 3:
About recognition and trying to achieve recognition. about the difference of achieving recognition from people through fame than through hard labor.
Page 4:
questions our reason why we recognize a celebrity and asks who we're referring to when we talk about how media affects us, despite we don't know how the media is influencing us.
Page 5:
More examples on recognition. Also brings in the notion that we start to approach the message information together with who tells message.
Page 6:
Tells us examples how the messengers identity can be affect our view to the role he's going to play. It reminds me of how I view the actors behind draco malfoy or Joffrey from Game of Thrones. My first impression of them in another movie is usually negative or evil.
Page 7 - 8:
Mostly about how we view celebrities and the messages they convey with the roles they play with examples
Page 9 - 10:
About how people could see themselves as distracted from their life goals, which they may or may not have found at the end of their lives.

Website Title: Redbubble
Author: Dave 'BLYHART' Edwards

An article where the writer spoke with other people from his[redbubble] community about approaching an 'artist's block' or how to not be distracted.

His distraction points: checking his community[redbubble], making tea and checking emails. solution: sitting in his car drawing on the passenger side, he finds his inspiration to draw harder to find. He tries to find it through shifting through his portofolio to find themes he didn't work on for a while or look at what other people made.

He quotes a fellow artist on Redbubble, Paul Compton, who explains that 'he finds inspiration comes from viewing things in a different light.' (change of perspective) He also agrees with Paul that listening to music helps. Other things that Paul seem to use to break from his 'artist's block' is by drawing abstract shapes or using imagery of tv.

The writer then adds the opinion of Linda Callaghan, who thinks that by waiting her 'artist's block' is removed. Kaitlin 'Firedrake' Beckett agrees with this. visiting art shops also makes her excited for creating art.

What i've gathered: doing something else can lead you to inspiration or gives you motivation to create something. There are different ways to tackle a lack of work sense. some need something as music to get into the flow, others need to walk outside to gain outside input.

Are you practicing distraction?
Author: Mark Freeman
Source: Youtube.com
Publisher: Youtube
Published on: Apr 17, 2015

Why are we distracted and what do we do against it?
Learn to focus and practice not to be unfocused.

Themes to be able to work with:
- Achieve flow or inspiration through listening/creating music.
- Through Outside or communication with others gain new input or perspective.

Ideas for Objects
- an instrument that immediately changes to the mood of music you want while playing.
- a speaker device that picks songs fitting to your mood.

- Color contrast Ring, Find the opposite color of the spectrum on an object and hold your ring against it. after that you need to find a new color.

- Yoyo, capture its movement. (low shutter speed)
- A ball that can be changed in a form. it's stamp changes contour that way.
- A bouncing ball with keyframes?
- (knikkers) which the shadow create interesting shapes.
- (Knikkers) that have a changing shape inside them.

- Magnets moving eachother around.
- Nerfgun, shooting at things.
- Puppets/plushies.
- Touchpad based device
- rubix cube
- Puzzel box with contours that you can use in your world ala (find artist)

Light experiments

Page 6: Tells us examples how the messengers identity can be affect our view to the role he's going to play. It reminds me of how I view the actors behind draco malfoy or Joffrey from Game of Thrones. My first impression of them in another movie is usually negative or evil. Page 7 - 8: Mostly about how we view celebrities and the messages they convey with the roles they play with examples Page 9 - 10: About how people could see themselves as distracted from their life goals, which they may or may not have found at the end of their lives.

http://www.redbubble.com/people/blythart/writing/6883060-artists-block-and-how-not-to-get-distracted Article Title: ARTIST'S BLOCK AND HOW NOT TO GET DISTRACTED by BLYTHART Website Title: Redbubble Author: Dave 'BLYHART' Edwards

An article where the writer spoke with other people from his[redbubble] community about approaching an 'artist's block' or how to not be distracted.

His distraction points: checking his community[redbubble], making tea and checking emails. solution: sitting in his car drawing on the passenger side, he finds his inspiration to draw harder to find. He tries to find it through shifting through his portofolio to find themes he didn't work on for a while or look at what other people made.

He quotes a fellow artist on Redbubble, Paul Compton, who explains that 'he finds inspiration comes from viewing things in a different light.' (change of perspective) He also agrees with Paul that listening to music helps. Other things that Paul seem to use to break from his 'artist's block' is by drawing abstract shapes or using imagery of tv.

The writer then adds the opinion of Linda Callaghan, who thinks that by waiting her 'artist's block' is removed. Kaitlin 'Firedrake' Beckett agrees with this. visiting art shops also makes her excited for creating art. [To be continued]

What i've gathered: doing something else can lead you to inspiration or gives you motivation to create something. There are different ways to tackle a lack of work sense. some need something as music to get into the flow, others need to walk outside to gain outside input.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50nt__aGojg Are you practicing distraction? Author: Mark Freeman Source: Youtube.com Publisher: Youtube Published on: Apr 17, 2015

Why are we distracted and what do we do against it? Learn to focus and practice not to be unfocused.

Themes to be able to work with: - Achieve flow or inspiration through listening/creating music. - Through Outside or communication with others gain new input or perspective.

Ideas for Objects Music:

- an instrument that immediately changes to the mood of music you want while playing.

- a speaker device that picks songs fitting to your mood.

Outside: - Color contrast Ring, Find the opposite color of the spectrum on an object and hold your ring against it. after that you need to find a new color.

Shapes: - Yoyo, capture its movement. (low shutter speed) - A ball that can be changed in a form. it's stamp changes contour that way. - A bouncing ball with keyframes? - (knikkers) which the shadow create interesting shapes. - (Knikkers) that have a changing shape inside them.

Other - Magnets moving eachother around - Nerfgun, shooting at things. - Puppets/plushies. - Touchpad based device - rubix cube - Puzzel box with contours that you can use in your world ala (find artist)


I created a yoyo with a light attached to it and started playing with it in front of a camera. I wanted to track the motions with After effects, but found a more suprising effect while editing. there is a path of light following the yoyo, which creates interesting and random shapes. I wanted to experiment with that using a slow shutter speed camera and created tests with it.

My idea was to create an animator's toolbox that contains distraction devices that helps the creator to come up with ideas. but it might deviate too much of the distraction theme and be more about being creative.
I should research more about cultural distractions and the definition of distraction and find the core of that.

"A funny speculative investigation about distraction (film idea)." Starting points:
Look up useless distractions.
promote distractions while offering critique. (think of start-up commercials (footballtables/pingpongtables, have fun NOW!!!))
Artists need fun to be productive!!
immerse yourself in distraction

Also wanted to create inspiration based ideas by animating them, didn't finish it because I realized I didn't want to go this way. I wanted to create something really distractive instead of creating something inspiring. :


Artists to look into:

Motion sensor

I used a PIR motion sensor, it uses infra red to detect movement. It detects them through the infrared radiation that people or objects above zero heat give off. This gives a spike in his detection values when it detects something with the radiation and sets the script off. In my case, it made an small audio speaker go off on a low tune whenever something walked in front of it.


Meaning of distraction

"Stolen from various sources"

" (dĭ-străk′shən)
1. The act of distracting, or the condition of being distracted: Inexperienced drivers are especially vulnerable to distraction. His distraction of the child worked well, and the child stopped crying.
2. Something that makes it difficult to pay attention or that draws attention away from familiar or everyday concerns: was annoyed by the distractions of having so many roommates; found that the shopping mall was always full of pleasant distractions.
3. Mental or emotional disturbance; agitation or confusion: loved the puppy to distraction; was driven to distraction by the noisy neighbors.

1. the act or an instance of distracting or the state of being distracted
2. something that serves as a diversion or entertainment
3. an interruption; an obstacle to concentration
4. (Psychology) mental turmoil or madness

(dɪˈstræk ʃən)

1. the act of distracting.
2. the state of being distracted.
3. mental distress or derangement.
4. a person or thing that prevents concentration.
5. something that amuses.

" Thesaurus:
Noun 1. distraction - mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction" confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness, confusion - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; confusion of impressions"
2. distraction - an obstacle to attention inattention - lack of attention

3. distraction - an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations beguilement entertainment, amusement - an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention

4. distraction - the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something; "conjurers are experts at misdirection" misdirection
revision, alteration - the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification); "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion"

" Wikitionary
'distraction ‎(plural distractions)
1. Something that distracts. [ quotations ▼]
Poking one's eye is a good distraction from a hurting toe.‎
2. The process of being distracted. [ quotations ▼]
We have to reduce distraction in class if we want students to achieve good results.‎
3. Perturbation; disorder; disturbance; confusion. [ quotations ▼]
4. Mental disorder; a deranged state of mind; insanity. [ quotations ▼]
The incessant nightmares drove him to distraction.‎'


Use of distraction and narrative in Brand commercials or story.
'The way to move someone is to tell a good story."
Use of emotion creates a better story.

Een afleidend zijn
Animators gericht

Cultural Distraction
Tea leaves
Takes Basic shapes recognition and mediations.
You use the leaves of tea in your cup, you drink while clearing your mind and thoughts, If a troubling though keeps returning, it will be the subject of your tea reading, Otherwise it's general based. once there is a little bit left, you drop the tea on the saucer. You have to identify small shapes on your saucer in the tea pieces. This is based upon the idea that the basic shapes recognition is linked to the subconcious of yourself. and that by seeing these shapes you are reflecting and reading yourself.

Magician tricks
uses misdirection for the audience to divert their attention.

Create something with the unfinished things?

Distraction/Uselessness Patents
WIPO Patent Application WO/1999/051160
Kind Code:
An osteosynthetic distraction device is adapted for insertion under the skin of a patient and has first and second relatively moveable distraction elements (10 and 12) which are secured respectively to bone parts B1 and B2 to be distracted. A controllable arrangement is provided for effecting relative movement between the distraction elements (10 and 12) in a distraction direction. The controllable arrangement includes at least one permanent magnet (30) movable under the influence of an externally applied magnetic field. Movement of the magnet (30) causes relative movement between said first and second distraction elements (10 and 12) in said distraction direction. A stop, such as a pawl and ratchet (24, 22), prevents relative movement of said first and second distraction elements (10 and 12) in a direction opposite to said distraction direction.

United States Patent Application 20100050275
Kind Code:
In one form a device having an integrated circuit is rendered useless by providing a piezo element coupled to a voltage terminal of the integrated circuit of the device. A render useless signal is generated by any of several ways. The piezo element, in response to the render useless signal, renders in any one of several ways the device to be rendered useless. The piezo element, when disturbed, generates a voltage which is provided to the voltage terminal of the integrated circuit, the voltage being sufficiently high to render useless at least a portion of the integrated circuit. In other forms the render useless signal renders MRAM circuitry within the device useless by moving a magnetic field across the MRAM circuitry to vary resistance of memory reference cells. In one form the magnetic field is moved by spring-loading or pivoting a magnet that is released by the piezo element.

Useless barking preventing collar
European Patent Application EP1645182
Kind Code:
It is an object to provide a useless barking preventing collar for preventing a dog from barking. A collar (C) to be attached to the neck of a dog is provided with a vibration unit (10) for carrying out a vibration when sensing the bark of the dog, and the vibration unit (10) is constituted by a control portion (20) including a sound sensor (21) for detecting the bark of the dog, a regulator (22) for outputting a sense signal when the volume of the bark detected by the sound sensor (21) is equal to or greater than a reference, and a switch (23), a vibration generating portion (30) for generating a vibration when inputting the sense signal, and a sound generating portion (40) for generating a sound when inputting the sense signal. When the dog barks, accordingly, the vibration unit (10) is vibrated so that the collar (C) is vibrated. Consequently, the vibration of the collar (C) is transmitted to the dog so that an unpleasant feeling can be given to the dog. Thus, it is possible to prevent the dog from barking.