Tim Demper, Fine Arts 4th year.
Fantastic forgeries
I want to make statues with damaged limbs and bodies.
They will be in a hyper realistic style so that every material will look like what it originally represented.
Skin will look like actual skin, cloth like cloth, and the damaged parts like blood and guts.
I have chosen a statue of a headless Aphrodite from the Allard Pierson Museum for now, but I’m not sure if I will use this particular statue in my final work.
As long as it is a statue with missing limbs I can work with it.
I want to work with Greek or Roman statues because I admire the craftsmanship that goes in to it.
They are mostly very detailed and precisely sculpted. It will be interesting to copy the sculptures because I may find out more about the techniques they used.
I want to work with damaged sculptures because I like obscure or dark artwork.
The statue I have now does create an interesting contrast because Aphrodite is the goddess of love and you see blood and gore.
I photoshopped the texture of a real woman and blood in the image of the statue:
I also made a little material test:
Images of damaged satues