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Circuits can be made in many different ways:

  • prototype board (e.g. perfboard or stripboard)[5]
  • volumetric circuits[6][7]
  • Etching a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)[8][9].

There are still other ways of making circuits, for example using the vinyl cutter to cut copper traces, using conductive fabric, etc. A nice overview of other alternative methods you can find at the great website of KobaKant: How To Get What You Want. Besides a lot of other interesting stuff (browse through it!!) the traces making sections you can find here: Kobakant section on Traces.

It is even possible to (almost) entirely knit your circuit: The Knitted Radio, Drapery FM.

In this lab you will be making a circuit with your preferred method with exception of the breadboard. The circuit presented here is a touch sensitive noise making circuit.


During first class you received a leaflet with symbols used schematics of electronic circuits and their meaning. You will need this to decipher the schematic below. Here you find a copy of an american version (notice the resistor symbols):

alt text



BOM or Bill Of Materials is common engineering language for list of components you need to build something. Our current BOM:

Component Label on schematic and board layout Value Has polarity (does the part orientation matter?)
IC 555 NE555 Yes
Resistor R1 220k (224) No
Resistor R2 10k (103) No
Resistor R3, R4 1k (102) No
Resistor R6 0R (0) No
Resistor R5, R7 Do not mount (yet) No
Capacitor C1 10uF (dark brown) No
Capacitor C2 0.1uF (micro Fahrad) (brown) No
Capacitor C3 1nF (nano Fahrad) (light grey) No
LED Led1, Led2 - Yes (green dot (cathode) points down towards board edge)
9V Battery Clip VCC - Yes
Speaker SPK 8 Ohm - 16 Ohm No





  • Form duo's
  • Collect all the parts of the BOM (get a helping hand)
  • Download the NE555 datasheet, read it.
  • Choose a schematic
  • Choose a desired method to make the circuit and make it (work)!
  • Watch the polarity of components! Prevent short circuits, 'solder bridges', good luck!

Don't hesitate to try out different resistor values!

Demo of example board:
