User:Chantal Nassef
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My name is Chantal and I am a student from the AudioVisual design department. In this wiki page you will see both of my "digital Craft" and "Mimicking Machine" projects which are two separate courses having a lot in common. Following year: 2016/2017
Digital Craft
Group representative performance: Electricity
During class lesson we performed the Electron exchange all together: a choreography representing a valence electron becoming a free electron and becoming a valence electron again after smashing with the valence electron next to it.
After this work we formed smaller group choosing a more complex example of electricity. We choose a simple circuit: Illuminating a Light Bulb.
Schematic: A battery (left) connecting to a lightbulb (right), the circuit is completed when the switch (top) closes. With the circuit closed, electrons can flow, pushed from the negative terminal of the battery through the lightbulb, to the positive terminal. [1]
Pictures from our coreography:
Measuring volts, current and resistance
After learning together how to use a breadboard and the Digital Multi Meter, we created a simple circuit and started measuring.
Circuit making
- Printing the empty board at the Print Studio
- Etching with acid the printed board at the Public Station
Personal Project: presentation, brainstorm and feedback
- Make an illustration of your most memorable insight of what you have learned/discovered;
- Make a drawing of how this insight can be made into a physical artefact;
- Make a drawing of an independent idea you would like to build/construct;
- Make a drawing of this idea in its most minimal/essential form;
- Make a drawing of this idea in its most expansive/immersive form.
Personal Project: Visual Controller
Drawing Machine ----in progress -----
Mimicking Machines