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Schermafbeelding 2014-12-10 om 14.49.27.png

Ronit Izraeli | Nomadic Space

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Noguchi | playground equipment




Hil Andringa, Witte Kubus Kunststof

25 Maart 1896 - 26 Februari 1985 Beeldhouder Vormgever


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Untitled-1222.jpg wax



wasted 8 hours on this [1]

Ice counting.jpg Ice counting2.jpg

Lasercutting ice



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Kitty Kraus, Untitled, 2008 Courtesy of The artist and Galerie Neu, Berlin

Her series in ice, for instance, begins with a large, frozen block of ink and water and often features a light bulb and cord extending from the centre. The light is turned on, and its heat slowly begins to transform the ominous black block of ice in which it is set. Eventually, what begins as minimal plinth of frozen water becomes an abstract puddle, raising questions about the work’s essential form. It is neither a cube of ice nor an ink-stained floor. Instead the real work is something intangible and impermanent. It is simply the act of creation.

All Ice Records is a Norwegian independent record company. All Ice Records exclusively releases music played on instruments made from ice

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In Thaw(2004) an empty swimming pool, a large mass of black, volcanic, basalt street bricks is interlaced with bricks of white ice. The cube will fall prey to entropy over the course of approximately 8 hours. The ice bricks fuse together and hold on to the bricks as long as possible, causing the structure to warp and sway pendulously before collapse. The brick cube rests on a steel table and hovers over a mirror, which floats above the floor. The mirror has microphones attached to it, which pick up the stochastic dripping of water and is amplified in the space, counting off the time between collapses. Both projects by Chris Musgrave.


Vinyl, 2006. The ice tray of a record by Lyota Yagi.


[2] filmpje

Boris Dornbusch, Volvic Evian Vittel, 2011

Schermafbeelding 2014-10-14 om 10.11.00.png

Guido van der Werve, nummer acht: everything is going to be allright, 2007

Nummer acht: everything is going to be alright shows van der Werve crossing the frozen Gulf of Finland, followed by a meter-high icebreaker that splits the ice behind him dangerously.

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For nummer negen: the day I didn’t turn with the world, the artist stood on the point in the Arctic around which the Earth rotates and turned in the opposite direction for twenty-four hours.

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Monochrome Volumes (2007) by AVPD Monochrome Volumes consists of 4 identical cubic wooden boxes fixed side by side to a wall. Each box has a surface measure of 70 x 70 x 70 cm. The bottom, top, and the sides of the surfaces of boxes are painted with a nonreflecting white grounder. The front of each box is sealed with a 3 mm transluscent acrylic sheets. The inside walls of the boxes are covered with white boards on the top, bottom, sides and on the back. The inner volumes of the boxes are individually set apart because the back board inside each box is fixed in different distances to the front acrylic fronts creating four differentiated inner volumes. A special phenomena occurs by the use of the translucent acrylic fronts on the boxes with variable inner spaces. The acrylic refracts the light (natural sun light, artificial or a combination) that naturally shines through it, throws it into the inner space of the box as a diffuse light. Not being able to see the inner space of the box, the viewer perceives a reflection of its volume in the acrylic in the form of a two dimensional, vibrant, monochrome spatial surface.

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Dum-dum, 2008 by Pierre Labat.

Dum dum pierre labat 1.jpg

JONATHAN MONK Broken Opposites, 2010

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Combining Robert Morris’ Box With the Sound of Its Own Making with Baudrillard’s writing on the art auction this sculpture exists in eternal transactional flux. It is a physical sculpture that is perpetually attempting to auction itself on eBay. Every ten minutes the black box pings a server on the internet via the ethernet connection to check if it is for sale on the eBay. If its auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself. If a person buys it on eBay, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. The new owner must then plug it into ethernet, and the cycle repeats itself.

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Holger Lippmann packing BOX 01 is realizes using a packing algorithm to generate different square packing vector files via processing. later on build up of a plywood box of 4 layers 4mm plywood and the laser cutting of each side and the removal of the non clued parts.

32 x 32 x 32 cm, plywood 2012/2013

Schermafbeelding 2014-09-24 om 12.44.07.png

TF greyscale k.jpg

Thomas Freiler - Graukeil/Grayscale, 3D Rendering, 2009 Een tentoonstelling als experimentele opstelling waarbij de foto geeft informatie over zichzelf en als een verzameling en argumentatie zelf ondervraagd reflecterend . Thomas Freiler benadert het medium aan de ene kant aan de kant van hun wetenschappelijke voorwaarden en instrumentale constructies en ten tweede op het gebied van het gebruik en de context . Foto regelingen en juxtaposities thematiseren elementaire fotografische parameters of fotografische weergave in de analoge en digitale domein , maar ook de voorwaarden en de impact van de ontwikkelingen en standaardisatie van fotografische technieken op concrete beelden. De media is zoals altijd veel op haar beurt in de formulering van de boodschap , en Freiler verder met deze alfabetten van de fotografie , traditionele en nieuwe , hedendaagse beelden uit elkaar

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Larry Bell 6x6x4-D,A 1995, four 12mm glass panels coated with nickel-chrome, 6' x 6' x 1/2" Installation: Galerie Montenay, Paris 1995 ‘Visibility depends on the action of the visible bodies on light. Either a body absorbs light, or it reflects or refracts it, or does all these things.’ The Invisible Man, H G Wells (1897)

Schermafbeelding 2014-09-24 om 13.17.55.png

Evan Roth Gold (Graffiti Analysis Series) Acrylic 28cm x 19cm x 19cm Paris 2011