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A 4th Quarter Project – 2nd Year Graphic Design Department, Willem de Kooning Academy, 2013

• introduction

In order to explore ways of organising projectbased education, and defining roles therein for ourselves and eachother as teachers and projectleaders, the assignments given in Q4 will all revolve around a common theme: Free Culture.

This theme has been suggested to the Graphic Design Department by Aymeric Mansoux, currently hoofddocent, and co-organiser of an international public event on free culture that will take place in December 2013:

The event is produced within the framework of a European and public project and organized by Kennisland in collaboration with various local and international partners. It is an extensive public program for various audiences around the topic of Free Culture, that is a culture which principle is based on the freely sharing and reuse of cultural expressions in all artistic and design disciplines and genres.
The main program is happening early December 2013 across the whole Tolhuistuin, a brand new cultural venue in Amsterdam which operates itself as a platform for several creative disciplines and as a structure to connect local and international cultural activities.

Aymerics' direct and concrete request is for the Graphic Design students to develop a visual identity and communication strategy for this event. It would be however too narrow an approach to the topic to limit ourselves only to this task. Therefor I suggest the following project title:

Temp title.png

The questions that the term Free Culture raise bear relevance to the current and future practice of a young designer. This quarter can be used to explore methods and meaning of remixing and copying, using open source tools and free content, mapping the ecology of "free" and sharing (including copyright and copyleft), and reflecting on the notion of value in other than monetary terms

• involved courses and teachers

SLC – Nanna van Heest
Graphic Design – Renate Boere , Marjolein Vermeulen, Roger Teeuwen
Typography – Jan Willem Stas
Crosslab – Jannetje in 't Veld, Gabriëlle Marks
Text – Bart Siebelink
Design Research – Kimmy Spreeuwenberg, Lauran Schijvens, Amy Wu
Alg.Theorie – Mariet Bakker
Hoofddocent: Aymeric Mansoux

• possible topics

FLOSS in graphic design: tools and platforms, alternative workflows, prototyping, pipelining, release early release often, hacking, command line interfaces, scripting, programming.
This group could explore graphic design through novel software and methodologies.

Facets of free culture: remix culture (, copypasta culture (, Creative Commons, Open Knowledge Foundation, Freedom defined, template culture, free content, open access, piracy, freemium, participatory culture (amateur vs professional).
This group could explore and try to make sense of the different meaning and implication of a free culture.

The WdKA graphic design open library: free content, free culture licenses, communities, appropriation, networked platforms.
This group could kickstart a public repository of digital assets for other students to re-use, as part of this project but also hopefully as repository that will live after the project as well.

• possible outcomes

wiki containing documentation of process and outcomes various assignments, and including reflections on free culture and the culture of free (edited and maintained by Text and Gabrielle?)
mapping of the ecology of free culture specifically in the context of the (graphic) design field – tools, platforms and resources, licenses, notions of value? (Design Research)
several versions, remixes, branches and forks of visual identity for the event, manifested in various media and channels : print, digital, audio-visual, spatial (Graphic Design, Typography) –note from Aymeric: ...students should not independently reinvent the wheel and start from scratch but use each others work to build their own and inject the outcome back of into the work of other students.manifesto for instance on participatory culture (Text) – zie:
• a tool (could be instructions, guide, system) that enables the realisation of a visual genealogy of the whole project showing up which element was taken from who and used for what, etc.(Crosslab)
• everything created during the project is released under a free culture license so that it can be reused by others • an exhibition/presention/publication at the end of the quarter - also (like Worm in oct/nov)a warm-up to the event? • students and staff present the project during the final event in December 2013

• stuff to watch

Copy (right and left)

A Fair(y) Use Tale:

Oliver Laric’s ongoing Versions (2009-2012) reflects the conditions of our digital world: how original and copy, thing and thought, event and document, are collapsed in a flattened information space where everything is a click away from everything else. Laric’s sculptural and online-based practice—including the website VVork—addresses how information networks afford new logical, epistemic, and affective patterns of experience and understanding. Described by the artist as "a series of sculptures, airbrushed images of missiles, a talk, a PDF, a song, a novel, a recipe, a play, a dance routine, a feature film and merchandise," Versions confronts the mutability and variation of images.
Laric’s work evinces how images and objects are continually modified to represent something new, from Roman copies of Greek sculptures, to doctored and augmented images, remixes, and gifs. The differing versions of Versions themselves address this ongoing history of iconoclasm and copyright. Laric’s exploration of the nature of images and objects in digital space reveals the internet as not merely a space of representation, but of direct experience, as the real world is increasingly mediated by screens, and knowledge is replaced by searching.


• quotes

• planning

activity whom
week 14 start-up
first brainstorm & planning April 4th
Renate Boere
Marjolein Vermeulen
Gabrielle Marks
week 15 communication to all participating teachers Renate Boere
Marjolein Vermeulen
Gabrielle Marks
week 16
week 17
week 18
week 19 kick-off quarter: May 6th all