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Me, me, me: THUAN TRAN

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Take and Make form the Museum

Project 1: Museum Of Fantastic Forgeries


For my first project I took inspiration from the art work of Thomas Grunfeld; name: Misfit IV. It is a series of sculptures made from taxidermic animals. I chose it because of the techniek, materials and specially de stories that he wants to tell us.

Misfit IV (Misbaksel IV), 1989 - 1990

Thomas Grünfeld


Thomas Grünfeld is best known for his “Misfits”—sculptures made from taxidermied animals. Grünefeld’s animals, however, subvert the typically scientific nature of taxidermy and instead represent fictional creatures: He places a pig’s head on a bird’s body in Misfit (pig/bird) (2001), or a dog’s head on the body of a calf in Misfit (doberman) (1998). The works reference German folklore, specifically children’s wolperfinger—moralizing fables about human-like animals—and as such evoke proverbial battles between real and imaginary, good and evil. (


Replica of Misfit IV