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Name: Willem Hampson



Digital Craft

The moment I knew What I wanted to do

I think it has always been an ambition of mine to work in the arts but I do not remember a specific moment, my interest in making illustration my profession is a result of a culmination of inspirations, for example books such as the 'Tintin' series that entertained me as a child and continue to inspire me now.

I want to be an artist.jpg Tintin image 1.jpg

What do you make?

I'm still trying to figure out a consistent way of working for myself. I start the majority of my work by drawing in pen or pencil but where it goes after that can vary.

Willemwork1.jpg Willemwork2.jpg

What is your topic of interest?

One of my current topic of interest is publishing and how various forms of printing could advance my work, I haven't done very much of either however I find having your own work turned into some kind of physical edition highly rewarding.

What is your medium?

My answer to this is similar to the question of "what do you make?" in that I haven't settled on one specific medium, I like to work in pencil, pen, paint and ink. Softwares are becoming more important to my work, mainly Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator (depending on the brief or project).

Circuit Board

Circuit board speaker.jpg

Mimicking Machines

Assignment 1

I Draw. You Draw. It Draws

The first assignment involved drawing our favourite machine with instructions for someone else to imitate this drawing. I used a grid format with an x and a y axis as I thought the instructions for this would translate easily and someone would be able to follow it. The machine I drew was a guitar amplifier.

Amp with instructions.jpg

We also took our own vector drawings and had them digitally drawn on a machine usually used for cutting shapes with a blade. The blade was simply replaced with a ballpoint pen.

Digital vector drawing.jpg

Assignment 2

3D letters

I started by sketching a letters in pencil, when I was settled on a design I scanned it and used Adobe Illustrator to trace over it. This vector file was then taken into sketchup where I made it a 3D digital file.

LetterGsketch.jpg 3DG.jpg