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Imaginary radio

This kind of machine is divided into three part: emotion receiver, brain activity receiver and analyst. Receivers can infer one’s feelings from radio frequency reflected of his body. Radio is like an elastic ball which constantly bounce between individual’s body and the machine itself. It captures individual’s heartbeats,respiration and electrical activities in their brain and then analyzes them to infer a person’s emotions. After that, the machine will come out with different kinds of reaction to people's emotion.

Spike-waves.png EEG.png

After I did some research about emotion radio I found that this kind of machine has already been invented

so I talked to jon about it, I was told to comment on this invention and show how it works and how i gonna use it in a video.


My emotional frog




Emotional Frog is a new toy that can infer a person’s emotions using wireless signals.

Once it turned on, a person's breath and heartbeat will be captured by the frog.

It transmits an RF signal off a person’s body to recognize his emotional state (happy, sad, excited.) by capturing heartbeats and respiratory and analyse them.