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Graphic Design



We had a group meeting to discuss our given subject: Fusing. We got very deep into the subject, to the point of where the entire universe is fusing if you think about it long enough. We focused on fusing within craft. To do this we had to define craft itself. We talked about craft for 4 hours and decided that we all had other thoughts about craft. The thing we did agree on is that craft is in the proces and also in skill and handeling a material. We had all different opinions about what fusing can be for us. It was interesting to have discussions about our different meanings and look at fusing from another perspective. We made a big wordweb to clarify fusing and to help us present our opinions and thought about fusing in class.

In my opinion you can define fusing as: adding things to things.


1. Historical example

First i wanted to do something with melting because melting materials is an very historical proces. I looked in my room for something that i could melt togheter and i found the colourfull things you can see on the picture. I tried to melt them in a pan with boiled water. I discovered that the material wasn't plastic but aluminum, so it didn't melt down on the temperature of the boiled water. In the end it stuck together but I wasn't happy with the end result. I decided to take another starting point and use chalk for my historical example.

Plasticklein.jpg Plastic 2.jpg Plastic3.jpg Plastic4.jpg

I asked the people around me were they think about if they think about craft. A lot of them told me that they thought about gluing, cutting and painting. I thought it could be interesting to take this misunderstood bias as an new starting point for my experiments. I chalked on a lot of colorful papers and cut them all in different pieces. When I was done cutting I clued them together again in many different shapes and compositions. I'm quite happy with the end result because it turned out to be a reachers about colors and shapes. I would like to use the colors, shapes and patterns I discovered with painting with chalk, cutting and gluing as an starting point and inspiration for the rest of the assignments in quarter 7.

Krijt1.jpg Krijt2.jpg Krijt4.jpg Krijt7.jpg