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STEP 1 - LAUNCH - Introduction to the course and getting to know different kinds -and uses- of the 'XY-plotter machines'. Followed by a more ‘in-depth’ look on the plotter.

STEP 2 - PREPPING - Forming groups and making plans to create our very own ‘XY-plotter machine’ using templates for 3D printing, getting/costumizing screw rods and bolts in the metal station. Eventually assembling the final machine and making sure it operates correctly.

STEP 3 - CONCLUDING - "Personalizing" the use of the machine. The final step was to form teams and brainstorm on possible functions the machine could have or tasks that it should be able to perform.

I teamed up with Cas Beijers, while getting introduced to the plotter machine we were already thinking about some way of making the machine a more performative tool instead of really functional.