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Graphic Design


Just some research into plotters

AN intro into using plotters with pen: [1]
good description of printing and saving file types for HQ prints [2]
video using the plotter [3]
plotter and sound mutual performance [4]
processing and plotting [5]

An artefact for/on/or about the body

I was interested in balance in the body. I recently started to do yoga and during balancing exercises, I noticed that there is always one side of the body that I felt more balanced about. So, for example, I could balance longer on my left leg than on my right leg. Balance.jpg

I started to consider how other parts of my body are in balance in relation to each other. For example, I am right handed so there is a really big imbalance between using my right hand and left hand for activities. I read about Leonardo Da Vinci [6] using both of his hands in perfect sync. This also meant that he was balancing out his right and left brain hemisphere usage, changing between rational and creative thinking.

Da Vinci was ambidextrous, was I going to be disastrous?

I started from the basic motion of writing, coloring, tracing. As input for this I used letters found in magazines and books around me and from the found image I started reproducing it with my right an left hand.

This triggered me to create a series of letters of the alphabet drawn both with my right and left hand. My left hand is really shaky and unprecise but at the end of the experiment I was already surprised to find that training my hand was making it more balanced. I tried different tools to write and draw.

A short film showing in the context of (in)human factors

A small "booklet" exploring the Mind [of] the Machine