To learn about three different techniques one had to use the milling machine, the lasercutter and the 3D Printer to make three letters out of the word "DIGITAL CRAFT". I chose the letter G & D. The G I used two times to I could see the difference between 3D Printing and Milling.
3D Print
I 3D printed the letter G. With the help of support material I could make the letter.
Milling Machine
After that I used the milling machine with the same letter so I could see the difference of possibilities between the two machines. With this milling machine I couldn't make the letter as I planned it. With the use of the 3D printer I could print my letter as I envisioned it. Because the milling machine can't turn several degrees it couldn't take out the indents under the letters. This machine only can go up, down, left and right.
- MMM Milling 2.jpg
Letter G
- MMM Milling 3.jpg
Letter G
- MMM Milling 4.jpg
Letter G
- MMM Milling 5.jpg
Letter G
- MMM Milling 6.jpg
I opened the letter D in Illustrator and slowly made several copies of it that the letter grew smaller and closed up. After I cut this from the wood I glued the layers on top of each other and created a 3D object with a 2D printer.