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Project 2, Digital Culture

This week we have decided to continue the project in two duo's. The duo that I will be in is with Emma.

We have decided to focus on the evolution in language. Primarly the changes affected through digital media. With our backgrounds of Spatial Design and audiovisual design we want to make a project that allows us both To use our disciplines.

We want to lose the given norm of language as a flat, written, communicative tool and see how we can unite any nationality without difficulty to use 'our language tool'.

After Some research for reference projects, Clair and I came up with the subject 'digital body language.

The emoticon image: The birth of emoticons show a flaw of human conversating on the internet, because we gather A big part of our information we gain from contact through body language, the digital world made plase for emoticons. These small symbols charaterize the feeling or expression that comes with a written text.

First week Idea

Group: Juliah Rahliff, Emma Rijk, Carly Muller and myself. Each participant in the group has a different discipline, we want to use the differences of these to create a diverse, big project. The different studies are:

Audiovisual (Clair Lee) Graphic (Juliah Rahliff) Fashion (Carly Muller) Spatial (Emma Rijk)

The overall topic will be; 3 generations in digital culture, from the generation before us, to our generation and the generation in the future.

My research : the changes of languages in three generations.Lots of abbreviations and slangs are used by young generation because of the internet.

So I am wondering how the language will be evolved in future generation.

And of course many older generation can't understand "the abbreviations and slangs".

So maybe in future some engineers will invent "the device" which can translate the abbreviations.