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PFont myFont; PFont yourFont; PFont hisFont; PFont herFont;
int mainColor;
String[] providenceWords = {
"Messenger", "WhatsApp van", "Missed Call", "Mail van", "SMS", "Missed Call", "whatsApp van", "Messenger", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van", "SMS", "SMS", "SMS", "Missed Call", "Missed Call", "Missed Call", "Missed Call", "Missed Call", "Messenger", "Missed Call", "Messenger", "Messenger", "Messenger", "Messenger", "Messenger", "Messenger", "Messenger", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van", "SMS", "SMS", "SMS", "Constructed", "1856", "Monday", "SMS", "SMS", "This", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van", "WhatsApp van.", "SMS", "SMS", "SMS"
void setup() {
size(540, 540); background(0, 0, 0);
} void draw() {
int tempx = mouseX; int tempy = mouseY; int tempd;
fill(0, 0, 0); rect(0, 0, 600, 600); //fill(255,255,255); myFont = loadFont("DINCond-Light-48.vlw"); yourFont = loadFont("DINCond-Light-48.vlw"); hisFont = loadFont("DINCond-Light-48.vlw"); herFont = loadFont("DINCond-Light-48.vlw"); PFont[] ourFonts = { myFont, yourFont, hisFont, herFont }; textAlign(CENTER); if (keyPressed) { for (;;) { } //break the program } if (mousePressed) {
// fill(0, 0, 0); // rect(0, 0, 440, 800);
fill(255, 255, 255); tempd=int(map((abs(mouseY - 400)), 0, 500, 17, 1)); tempd=tempd + int(map((abs(mouseX - 220)), 0, 500, 17, 1)); textSize(tempd); text(providenceWords[int(random(15))], mouseX, mouseY); } else { for (int i=0;i<81;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<10;j++) {
textFont(ourFonts[int(random(3))]); //tempd = (50 - int(sqrt((tempx - j*50)*(tempx - j*50) + (tempy - i*10)*(tempy - i*10))));
tempd=int(map((abs(mouseY - (i*10))+10), 0, 500, 1, 38)); tempd=tempd + int(map((abs(mouseX - (j*50))+10), 0, 500, 1, 38)); fill(3*tempd, 3*tempd, 3*tempd); textSize(tempd); print(tempd);
text(providenceWords[int(random(30))]+" "+providenceWords[int(random(46))]+" "+providenceWords[int(random(46))], j*50, i*10); } } }