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My first thoughts of what I want to do, was to combine traditional handcraft with digital things. I thought about finding digital codes and then transfer them onto fabric. This could for example be to learn how to decode or find the codes for a website, for instance Facebook, and then transfer this into patterns and then weaving it. This could for example be a scarf, so that you could "wear Facebook" around your neck. Or it could be a more personal code, like your profile page from a social medium. I think this idea is inspired by some of the things I worked on the last quarter, like identity and social identity. I imagine that the codes could be kind of coming a little bit out of the fabric, like writing for blind people. If I work with this idea, I would at least learn a lot about codes and how to find them, and how to weave on a big loom. And also I would have to find a way to transfer digital codes to a pattern that could be weaved.


When I worked on memory by touch, I thought about making a fabric that reacts to touch. I imagine that this could also be a scarf that you wear, but made with some special material that will create a reaction when people touch it. I could be connected to lights for example. Or something that adds an extra effect to the fabric.


By researching the two ideas above I started to think of QR-codes. Maybe I could make a garment where I implement QR-codes, so that people can scan it with their mobile phones? I think this is a project more connected to digital culture, and speculating of what may be used in the future. I think it would be interesting if for example you could just "scan" a person and then information about them on you phone. It is really absurd, but I can't exclude that it won't happen in the future. This project could be about making a digital tag to people.