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Tools of the Trade

Theme: Distraction Questionary: Design a device that distracts us and leads us to new insights and inspirations.

The Art of Distraction Author(s): Thomas J. Cottle Source: The Antioch Review, Vol. 51, No. 2, The Late Dylan Thomas (Spring, 1993), pp. 284-293 Published by: Antioch Review Inc.

The Art of Distraction Summary
10 pages.
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The first page explains the society's need for distraction and how the government, communication media and entertainment uses it. It defines 'distraction' as 'to divert or draw the mind away from something' It also explains it means 'to cause conflict and confusion'.
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The second page is explaining distractions are affecting us mentally. It changes our way of looking or thinking. it also talks about how certain aspects of our society uses this knowledge to capture our attention. As examples the writer uses Advertising and celebrities.
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About recognition and trying to achieve recognition. about the difference of achieving recognition from people through fame than through hard labor.
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questions our reason why we recognize a celebrity and asks who we're referring to when we talk about how media affects us, despite we don't know how the media is influencing us.
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More examples on recognition. Also brings in the notion that we start to approach the message information together with who tells message.
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Tells us examples how the messengers identity can be affect our view to the role he's going to play. It reminds me of how I view the actors behind draco malfoy or Joffrey from Game of Thrones. My first impression of them in another movie is usually negative or evil.

An article where the writer spoke with other people from his[redbubble] community about approaching an 'artist's block' or how to not be distracted.

What i've gathered: doing something else can lead you to inspiration or gives you motivation to create something. There are different ways to tackle a lack of work sense. some need something as music to get into the flow, others need to walk outside to gain outside input.